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Stansted Airport planning application - Amended Environmental Statement

An Amended Environmental Statement has been issued by Stansted Airport Limited.

Stansted 35+ Planning Inquiry Ref: 3256619- ESA and TAA Erratum

Following submission of the Environmental Statement Addendum (ESA) and the Transport Assessment Addendum (TAA) to the Planning Inspectorate and Uttlesford District Council submitted in October 2020, it has been picked up that a minor reporting error has occurred in the TAA which forms Volume 3 of the ESA. Please see the enclosed erratum which provides a 3 page summary along with a revised TAA Chapter 7 with all consequential changes highlighted and the original text struck through.

Read the Erratum to Transport Assessment Addendum (TAA) and Environmental Statement Addendum (ESA) of October 2020 (PDF) [1MB] .


Publication of an Amended Environmental Statement

Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) is appealing to the Secretary of State against Uttlesford District Council refusal for planning permission for "Airfield works comprising two new taxiway links to the existing runway (a Rapid Access Taxiway and a Rapid Exit Taxiway)six additional remote aircraft stands adjacent Yankee taxiway); and three additional aircraft stands (extension of the Echo Apron) to enable combined airfield operations of 274,000 aircraft movements and a throughput of 43 million terminal passengers, in a 12-month calendar period"

That appeal is accompanied by an Amended Environmental Statement.

Notice of publication of an Amended Environmental Statement

Please note that the closing date for representations has been extended to 7 December 2020.

Amended Environmental Statement Addendum Volume 1

Amended Environmental Statement Addendum Volume 2

Amended Environmental Statement Addendum Volume 3 and Transport Assessment Addendum

Amended Environmental Statement Addendum - Non-technical Summary

Hard copies of the NTS Addendum are available free of charge. Additional hard copies of the ES (Volume I) and Technical Appendices (Volume II) can be purchased at a cost of £80.00 and £100 respectively (excluding postage and packaging) or on CD Rom for a cost of £5. These documents can be obtained on request to RPS at the following address: RPS, 20 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4AB.