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Newport, Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - 6 May 2021

A referendum took place on Thursday 6 May 2021 to decide whether the Neighbourhood Plan for Newport, Quendon & Rickling should be used to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.


Result of the referendum

In response to the question, "Do you want Uttlesford District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Newport, Quendon & Rickling to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?", the votes were:

Yes: 1066 (percentage 90.5%)

No: 112 (percentage 9.5%)

The turn out was 44.2%.

Spoilt papers: 23

Referendum documents

Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (PDF) [6MB]

Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan - Information Statement (PDF) [639KB]

Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions and Compliance Statement (PDF) [126KB]

Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan - Town and Country Planning Background Information Statement (PDF) [182KB]

Report of the Independent Examiner on the whole draft Newport Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [1010KB]

Report of the Independent Examiner on the partial re-examination matters (PDF) [271KB]

Newport Quendon & Rickling Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission Consultation Responses (PDF) [10MB]

  Newport Quendon & Rickling Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation representations submitted on the on the Alternative Modifications post examination [387.46KB]

Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF) [5MB]


The Newport, Quendon & Rickling Plan Decision statement of the Local Authority's satisfaction that the referendum version Neighbourhood Plan meets the basis conditions specified by statute and complies with the provision made by or under Section 38A and 38B of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

The Town and Country Planning Statement sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum.

The Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Information Statement sets out the arrangement for the Referendum including costs and voter numbers.

More information about the Neighbourhood Development Plan can be found on the Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan page.

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