Census 2021: how life has changed in Uttlesford
How Uttlesford has changed in the 10 years since the last census.
Between the last two censuses (held in 2011 and 2021), the population of Uttlesford increased by 15.0%, from around 79,400 in 2011 to around 91,300 in 2021.
The population here increased by a greater percentage than the overall population of the East of England (8.3%), and by a greater percentage than the overall population of England (up 6.6% since the 2011 Census).
Census 2021 information
The Office for National Statistics has published of information from the 2021 Census which shows how Uttlesford has changed in the last 10 years.
The data provides an overview of the district showing the:
- age of people
- home ownership and renting
- amount of unpaid care
- religion
- country of birth
- national identity
- people who are economically inactive
- health
- number of hours worked
- legal partnership status
- disability
- ethic group
Read the full article about how life has changed in Uttlesford on the ONS website.
The ONS has also put together a collection of the data as a spreadsheet.
Download the data from the ONS (XLXS <1.5MB)
ONS Census maps
You can use the census maps on the ONS website to find out what people's live were like across England and Wales in March 2021.
Search the census maps for Uttlesford on the ONS site.
Census 2021 results
Find census 2021 results and supporting commentary on the population and households in England and Wales on the ONS census website.
Essex census data
Essex County Council's data team have put together a number of county-wide studies using the 2021 census information. These are available on the data.essex.gov.uk site and include:
- Demography, Households, Migration
- Health, Disability, Unpaid Carers
- Education
- Labour Market
- Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
- Housing
- Ethnicity, Language, and Religion
Example map - population in Uttlesford
As an example we've embedded the interactive census map showing the age of the population of Uttlesford on census day.