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Find and comment on an appeal

Anyone can comment on a planning appeal.

You can find details of any appeals on our website. But if you want to comment on an appeal you will need to do so on the Planning Inspectorate appeals casework portal.

Find a planning appeal

To see a list of appeals that are in progress, you will need to use the appeals search on our Planning Online website. To search for appeals:

  • in the Appeal Status box, choose Appeal in progress
  • select Search at the bottom of the page

To see the planning application the appeal is for, select an appeal and then select Related Cases. You can look at appeal documents by going to the original planning application and then selecting Documents.

Commenting on an appeal

Anyone can comment on a planning appeal. You will first need to find the case on the Planning Inspectorate appeals casework portal.

You will not need to repeat any comments that you have made previously. We will send all comments that have been submitted during the course of the planning application to the Planning Inspectorate when an appeal is made.

In the event of an appeal against refusal of a planning permission for householder applications, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about this application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.


Additional information - appeal guidance

The Planning Inspectorate have published a guide that will provide you with assistance on making a comment.

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