Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)
If you treasure natural spaces and want to see wildlife thrive, you will want to stay up to date with the progress of the Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS). With the creation of the LNRS, everyone has the opportunity to share their views on the future of the environment in which we live.
To ensure the LNRS becomes an effective tool in developing partnerships and action plans that more effectively support biodiversity and encourage collective activity, collaboration and consultation are essential. Make sure you have your say.
You can stay up to date with how the LNRS will be created and its progress, find details of upcoming information events, recordings of recent webinars, FAQs, and the chance to sign up to the newsletter for more regular updates.
Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) bring together local organisations, businesses and people who want to improve their local natural environment.
The government stated that Local Nature Partnerships should form in the most appropriate way for their area. After identifying the needs and priorities for Essex, the Local Nature Partnership Board agreed on the following 4 targets, to be achieved by 2030:
- 14% of Natural Green Infrastructure coverage of Essex to be increased to 25% Natural Green infrastructure coverage by 2030
- 50% of farmland in Essex to adopt Sustainable stewardship practices by 2030. This target has been adopted from the Essex Climate Action Commission.
- 1 in 4 people in Essex taking action for Nature Recovery. Target adopted from the Essex Wildlife Trust.
- access to high quality green space for all.
How it works
Essex Local Nature Partnership is hosted by Essex County Council (ECC) and is structured around a Board, an officer working group and sub-focus working groups. There are currently 4 sub-focus working groups:
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy Working Group
- Community Engagement Working Group
- Planning and Biodiversity Net Gain Working Group
- Agriculture Working Group