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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Apply for a house to house collection permit

If you are going door-to-door collecting money or goods for charitable purposes, you will need a permit from us.

This includes where you are collecting goods for resale, with the intention of making a charitable donation from the proceeds. It applies to collections from either houses or businesses.


If your charity holds a Home Office Certificate of Exemption you do not need to apply for a permit. You will only need to notify us of the dates of your collection.

How to apply

You can apply using our online form.

Before you start

You'll need to:

  • tell us where you will be carrying out the collection
  • provide any details about the dates and times
  • provide details of the beneficiary charity or fund
  • give us details of the person auditing the house to house collection returns 
  • provide a copy of the charity's latest financial accounts / statement

Start now

Licence fees

You don't have to pay a fee for a house to house collection permit.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent applies to house to house collection permits.  In this case, we must process your application before it can be granted. Where tacit consent does apply, this means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period.

You will need to allow at least 28 days for us to consider your application for a permit.


After you have carried out a collection

Once the collection has taken place, you will need to fill in and send us a return (called a 'statement of amount collected'). This shows how much money has been collected and how much has been given to the charity.

You must do this even if no money is collected, otherwise you may be refused permission to make collections in future.

Download a statement of amount collected (Word doc, 33 KB).

Check to see if a collection is authorised

You can check on the Licening Register to see if a house-to-house collection permit is authorised within Uttlesford.

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