Ukraine Community Grant Fund guidance
Guidance and criteria for the Ukraine Community Grant Fund.
As part of our ongoing support to all of our Ukraine guests, we have set up a community grant scheme to promote the further integration of Ukrainian guests into the Uttlesford community.
Applications for Ukraine Community Grants will be reviewed monthly and will close or change priority depending on changing need and the funding allocation received.
What is the aim of this funding
As part of our ongoing support for our Ukraine guests and hosts, we have set up a community grant scheme to promote the further integration of Ukrainian guests into the Uttlesford community. This will help fund and support activities, events and projects being run by a range of Parish Councils, community groups, hosts and guests.
All applicants will need to complete a short form and demonstrate that their activity promotes integration and reduces social isolation. We want to reach out to the community to encourage activities and ideas that help Ukrainian guests meet and socialise, learn English, get creative, active and generally have fun!
Perhaps you want to run a craft session and need materials, or an English class and need books and stationery. You might like to host a social gathering, sports event, cooking class or fun day. You may have ideas to help Ukrainian guests develop skills for work, or want to provide them with emotional support, or support to socialise with their host community. Perhaps you simply want to enable them to enjoy their stay here and have fun.
Who can apply
An applicant might be a :
- parish council
- community group (constituted and with a bank account)
- informal group including current Ukrainian guests (with the written support of their parish council or district councillor/s for the project). We can provide this information on request
- host (with the written support of their parish council or district councillor/s for the project) providing the idea has a reach beyond their own guest
What you can apply for
You can apply for up to £300 in grant to be awarded per activity, event or project
The grant will cover the cost of such things as:
- venue hire
- equipment
- transport
- instructor time
- refreshments
Whatever helps you make it happen.
We just need a breakdown of anticipated costs.
What you can't apply for
You can't apply for:
- activities that charge a fee
- activities that generate profits for private gain
- items which only benefit individuals, rather than groups (for example: bursaries and equipment that is not shared)
- activities promoting political activities or religious belief
- activity that has already happened. Funding cannot be used retrospectively to pay for things that have already been delivered, however you can use it to fund further provision of activities you have already started
- extending activity that is already funded through our contracts
How the grant will be paid
A funding agreement will be prepared for all successful applicants. This will include arrangements for payment of the grant.
Conditions of funding
Organisations that are awarded a grant will be expected to comply with the following conditions as a minimum:
- Funding must only be used for the agreed purpose and must be spent within 12 months of the award being made except where exceptional circumstances apply, and an extension is agreed with the grants officer in writing.
- Support of a local District Councillor is required for applications from individuals and unconstituted groups. Please ensure when contacting your local District Councillor(s) that they are all provided with full details of your project.
- Any publicity that take places must acknowledge that the award is provided by Uttlesford District Council.
- Any unused grant must be returned to Uttlesford District Council.
Support officer
In recognition that some organisations may not be used to submitting bids for funding there is support available.
All applicants will be able to email any clarification questions prior to the submission of their bid irrespective of whether they request more in-depth support. These should be emailed to