Apply to the Ukraine Community Grant Fund
Apply for funding to pay for support activities, events and projects to help Ukrainian guests to integrate into their local communities.
You can apply for up to £300 for each activity, event or project to help Ukrainian guests to integrate into the Uttlesford community.
The fund may be closed or changed depending upon changing need and the funding allocation received.
You must be a:
- parish council
- community group (constituted and with a bank account)
- informal group including current Ukrainian guests (with the written support of their parish council or district councillor/s for the project). We can provide this information on request
- host (with the written support of their parish council or district councillor/s for the project) providing the idea has a reach beyond their own guest
What you can apply for
You can apply for up to £300 in grant to be awarded per activity, event or project
The grant will cover the cost of such things as:
- venue hire
- equipment
- transport
- instructor time
- refreshments
Whatever helps you make it happen. We just need a breakdown of anticipated costs.
You can find further details including information on what you can't apply for in our Ukraine Community Grant Fund guidance
How to apply
You can apply using our online form.
Before you start
You will need to provide some documents with your application:
- quotes for what you want to do, if you have them
- a breakdown of your anticipated costs
- total project costs - you will only need to send these if you are requesting part-funding for a larger project
You can upload these documents as part of your application, or you can send them to us by email.
To receive the funding you will also need to send us any receipts or invoices.
After you have applied
You'll get a confirmation email with a copy of your application form after you've applied.
We will review applications for funding every month and will notify you of our decision.
If you need help you can email