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Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Appeal a housing register decision

How to appeal if you don't agree with a decision about your application for a council or housing association home.

If you are concerned that your housing application has been incorrectly assessed because our Housing Policy has been inaccurately or unreasonably applied, you can appeal the decision.

Alternatively, you can upload additional evidence to support your application on the Home Option website and a Housing Options Officer will aim to reassess your application within 6 weeks.


To appeal you'll need to:

1. Submit your appeal within 28 calendar days of the decision.

2. Explain your reasons, referring to the relevant part of the Allocations Policy (PDF, 312 KB) and the supporting evidence on your application.

3. Email your request to  

Appeals will not be confirmed unless they meet these criteria.

What to expect

We will:

  • acknowledge appeal requests within 10 working days. If confirmed, your appeal will be passed to a senior officer not previously involved in the decision
  • aim to provide a written decision within 6 weeks of your appeal submission

If you remain unsatisfied, you can make a final appeal to a senior manager within 10 working days.

We're committed to a fair review process and appreciate your cooperation.

Get help

To ask for help, if you have a question or if you haven't received a response within the timescales contact our Housing Options Team.

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