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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Cost of Living Support Fund Policy 2024/25

This is our policy on the Cost of Living Support Fund which has now been extended to cover the 2024/25 financial year.

The UK is amid a cost-of-living crisis. The rising cost of energy is a key factor in the rise in inflation, which stood at 10.5% in December 2022, and is challenging for those on low incomes, when combined with all the other price rises, we will see a material drop in the standard of living for not just the low-income families but also to those on middle incomes.


The council is aware that the cost-of-living crisis is causing hardship to residents who are unable to improve their circumstances in the short term, while inflation outstrips income, so for the 2023/2024 year a Cost of Living Support Fund had been introduced as a locally defined discount under section 13(1)(C) of the Council Tax regulations to support Uttlesford residents with their Council Tax liability.

The Cost of Living Support Fund permits officers the discretion to provide financial assistance to households in the Uttlesford area, including those who are entitled to Local Council Tax Support where payments of the Uttlesford Local Council Tax scheme are insufficient.

Applications will be considered on the basis that the applicant or household would suffer financial hardship if financial assistance were not given.

Cost of Living awards are discretionary and are not part of the Local Council Tax Support scheme.

The Fund was originally due to close on 31 March 2024 but has been extended to cover the 2024/2025 financial year. Applications for help from the Fund can be considered for outstanding Council Tax liabilities from the 2023/2024 year and the 2024/2025 year.


The main criteria of the Cost of Living Support scheme are:

  • Households who were resident in Uttlesford on or after the 1 April 2023 and have a Council Tax liability can apply for financial support.
  • This is an online application based scheme; however, support will be made available through our Customer Support Centre, Revenue Collections Officer and Welfare Liaison Officer for those residents who do not have online access.
  • Supporting documents will need to be provided demonstrating that the household has been affected adversely by the Cost of Living crisis or, due to current circumstances, is suffering financial hardship. This can include but is not limited to:

    1. A Household income and expenditure form
    2. Copies of the last 2 months bank statements for all accounts held
    3. Utility bill or statement (where a prepayment meter is held we will accept a declaration of this by the applicant)

    Care will be taken by staff to ensure that the applicant or household is treated fairly and respectfully, and that only relevant information and evidence is requested.
  • A Cost of Living discount will be applied to the eligible Council Tax account and will not be more than the NET outstanding Council Tax liability for the 2023/2024 or 2024/2025 financial years after all other Council Tax discounts (including Local Council Tax Support), reliefs and exemptions have been deducted and will be dependent on the financial need of the household.
  • If the Council Tax overall liability is reduced during the 2023/2024 or 2024/2025 financial year resulting in the Council Tax account going into credit, the Cost of Living Support discount will be adjusted, bringing the net liability back to NIL.
  • This scheme will end on 31 March 2025.

Where the council requires additional information or evidence it will contact the applicant requesting the information. If this information is not supplied within one calendar month the application will be closed and you will need to reapply. The deadline for providing this information can be extended due to mitigating circumstances and is down to the discretion of the assessing officer, principal officer or Revenues and Benefits Manager.

The council's S151 Officer will determine how the scheme is administered. There is no statutory right to payment.

Determining awards

The council will be under no duty to assess applications not made in the approved manner. The application will be assessed by an experienced officer and approved by a senior manager. The order of discounts will be maintained in line with the Local Government Finance Act.

Discounts will stop immediately if the applicant or household, or their representative, has misrepresented or failed to disclose a material fact, fraudulent or otherwise. In instances of proven fraudulent activity, the authority will seek to recover monies granted in all cases.

Awards will not be considered for periods where an overpayment of Local Council Tax Support has occurred through failure to declare information, a change of circumstances or because of fraudulent activity.

Notification of an award

The council will notify the outcome of each application for Cost of Living Support Fund discount in writing within 21 days of receipt of the application form and supporting documentation.

Method of payment

The discount will be credited directly to the household's/liable persons' Council Tax account. This will have the effect of reducing the Council Tax liability.


The discount will be applied from either 1 April 2024 or the date of the completed application. Backdating of the discount will be considered to the start of the 2023/2024 financial year, 1 April 2023, dependent on the application and supporting documentation.


Applicants may request that their application is reconsidered if they are unhappy with the council's decision. All requests for reconsideration must be made in writing within one calendar month of the original decision notice being issued and will be reviewed by a principal officer, Revenues and Benefits Manager or Director of Finance, Revenues and Benefits.

The decision of the reconsideration request will be issued in writing, providing details of how to appeal to the Valuation Tribunal Service should an applicant wish to appeal further.

Alternative sources of funding

Various alternative sources of financial assistance exist within the public, private and voluntary sectors. If the Cost of Living Support Fund discount is not awarded, applicants or households will be signposted to alternative sources of financial assistance, that exist within the public, private and voluntary sectors.


The council is committed to protecting public funds and to ensure funds are paid to the people who are rightfully eligible to them.

A person who fraudulently claims Cost of Living Support Fund discount by falsely declaring their circumstances or by providing a false statement or evidence in support of their application, may have committed an offence. Where the council suspects that such an offence may have been committed, this matter will be investigated as appropriate and may lead to criminal proceedings being instigated.

Data sharing

The council may use any evidence and information supplied to it in respect of Cost of Living discount to check the eligibility of the applicant in respect of this scheme or any other welfare benefits, discounts, or exemptions. All information and evidence provided will be treated in confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council's fair processing statement.

The council takes part in data matching exercises to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. Data matching involves comparing information, such as Council Tax or benefit records.

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