Census 2011
Statistics, local area profiles, ward data and background information from the 2011 Census.
This page provides data from the first release from the 2011 Census conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
You can find more information and detailed statistics from the 2011 Census on the ONS website.
Census 2011
The census provides a snapshot of people in Uttlesford on Census Day, 27 March 2011.
Census 2011 interactive tools
Commuter flows by local authority on Nomis web.
Interactive map of census data on the Data Shine portal.
Summary statistics
Key statistics about the number of people living in Uttlesford (PDF, 15 KB)
Comparison of the population of Uttlesford with people living in the rest of Essex (PDF, 765 KB)
Additional analysis
Ethnicity statistics for Uttlesford (Spreadsheets, 917 KB)
A comparison of the population of Uttlesford in 1991 and 2001 (Spreadsheets, 129 KB)
Parish statistics
Statistics for the two main towns in the district.
Great Dunmow
Accommodation type (Spreadsheets, 30 KB)
Car or van availability (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Central Heating (Spreadsheets, 29 KB)
Economic Activity (Spreadsheets, 39 KB)
General Health (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Qualifications (Spreadsheets, 33 KB)
Household deprivation by dimensions (Spreadsheets, 31 KB)
Industry (Spreadsheets, 53 KB)
Long term health problem or disability (Spreadsheets, 29 KB)
Multiple ethnic households (Spreadsheets, 35 KB)
Provision of Unpaid Care (Spreadsheets, 30 KB)
Religion (Spreadsheets, 34 KB)
Saffron Walden
Accommodation type (Spreadsheets, 30 KB)
Car or van availability (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Central Heating (Spreadsheets, 29 KB)
Economic Activity (Spreadsheets, 39 KB)
General Health (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Qualifications (Spreadsheets, 29 KB)
Household deprivation by dimensions (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Industry (Spreadsheets, 49 KB)
Long term health problem or disability (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Multiple ethnic households (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Provision of Unpaid Care (Spreadsheets, 28 KB)
Religion (Spreadsheets, 29 KB)