Community Safety Partnership
Uttlesford District Council is a partner within the Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
Within Uttlesford the partnership is made up of a number of local organisations including Uttlesford District Council, Essex Police, Essex County Council, NHS West Essex, Essex Probation, Essex Fire and Rescue Service and voluntary organisations including Council For Voluntary Services Uttlesford and Victim Support.
All of these partners are working towards the following key priorities in line with the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex.
Uttlesford CSP priorities
We have 3 main priorities.
To protect vulnerable people
We will do this by:
- raising awareness of emerging issues such as domestic abuse & hate crime
- the prevention of the exploitation of vulnerable people
- promoting the safety and support of vulnerable people within the community
To reduce crime, re-offending and the fear of crime
We will do this by:
- working in collaboration to address crime across the district engaging with local communities
- working together alongside the Integrated Offender Management Scheme to effectively reduce re-offending amongst priority perpetrators, and to encourage behaviour change
To continue effective partnership working, to meet emerging local threats and issues
We will do this by:
- focusing on positive partnership working while engaging, listening to and responding to the needs of all local communities
- delivering preventative and educational activities to meet localised issues
These priorities support the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024 on the PFCC for Essex website. This sets out the policing priorities and aims for keeping Essex safe.
CSP in partnership
The partnership is made up of:
- Uttlesford District Council
- Essex Police
- Essex County Council
- Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- Essex Probation
- Essex Fire and Rescue Service
- Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN)
- Victim Support
Projects and resources
Uttlesford Neighbourhood Watch
Uttlesford Neighbourhood Watch (UNW) works to help reduce crime and its effects in the District. We help the many local town and village Neighbourhood Watch groups to share ideas, purchase crime reduction products and leaflets. We also liaise with a wide range of other organisations including the Essex Neighbourhood Watch Association and Essex Police.
Find more information about Uttlesford Neighbourhood Watch on the Essex Neighbourhood Watch website.
Active Citizens
Active Citizens are volunteers in the community who help us to lower crime and the fear of crime by interacting with the public. They can get involved in a wide range of work to assist Essex Police by helping us run community days of action; patrolling with local police officers and Police Community Support Officers; providing reassurance and crime prevention advice; assisting with some administration tasks
Find out more about how to be an Active Citizen on the Essex Police website.
Keep Safe
The Keep Safe scheme is organised by the Uttlesford Community Safety Partnership and currently operates in Great Dunmow and Saffron Walden.
It has the dedicated support of local traders and businesses that act as Keep Safe venues. These create a network of safe places for people to go if they need help while in town.
Restorative Justice and Mediation Service
In some circumstances we may recommend the use of the Essex Restorative and Mediation Service which is independently run by the PFCC (Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner) in Essex.
The service enables those harmed by anti-social behaviour, conflict or even a criminal offence, to have contact with the person responsible, to try and find a way forward. The restorative processes use communication between people who have been harmed, and have caused harm, to allow them to work towards positive outcomes in a safe environment.
This is a free service, that is voluntary and both sides need to agree to the mediation to take place. You can also contact the Restorative Justice and Mediation Service directly for more information, or to ask them to arrange contact on your behalf.
Find out more on the Essex Restorative and Mediation Service website.
Essex Effective Support portal
The Effective Support portal provides information and links to early help and specialist services in Essex. It provides guidance for those who work or volunteer with children, young people and their families.
Essex Effective Support Portal on
Victim Support
If you've been affected by crime, we can give you the support you need to move forward. Our services are free, confidential and available to anyone in England and Wales, regardless of whether the crime has been reported or how long ago it happened.
Choose from a number of ways to contact Victim Support
Keep up to date with the latest news from Crimestoppers. the independent charity working to fight and solve crimes. Crimestoppers has a Community Conversations podcast so that you can to learn more about the impact crime has on local communities, what people are doing to stop it and how you can help.
Find more information about speaking up and staying safe on the Crimestoppers website.
Prevent counter-terrorism strategy
The Prevent counter-terrorism strategy is part of the national counter-terrorism initiative. By adopting a multi-agency approach to protecting and supporting people at risk from radicalisation Uttlesford District Council aims to safeguard children and adults from being drawn into terrorist-related activity and promote community relations.
Prevent counter-terrorism strategy
Domestic abuse
The Uttlesford CSP wants to encourage more victims of domestic abuse to report incidents, so victims can be supported and the number of repeat victims reduced. The CSP is responsible for undertaking Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) where the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, household member or someone they had been in an intimate relationship with.
DHR Overview reports from other parts of Essex, along with the Uttlesford Overview Reports, are published on the Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board (SETDAB) website.
Essex Community Watch magazine
Essex Community Watch magazine aims to help local people to better protect themselves against crime.
Martyn's Law (Protect Duty)
Martyn's Law is draft UK legislation aimed at placing a requirement on publicly accessible venues and locations to consider the threat of terrorism and put in to place appropriate mitigation measures.
Who Martyn's Law applies to
When the legislation is enacted, it's expected to apply to anyone that owns or is responsible for a publicly accessible location that is used for the purposes of entertainment and leisure, retail, food and drink, museums and galleries, sports grounds, public areas of local and central Government buildings, visitor attractions, temporary events, places of worship, health and education.
What Martyn's Law will require
Indication from the government is that publicly accessible locations with capacity of more than 100 people will need to take simple steps to improve security and preparedness such as completing free training, raising awareness and cascading information to staff as well as completing a preparedness plan.
Publicly accessible locations with capacity greater than 800 people will need to produce a risk assessment and security plan to a 'reasonably practicable' standard.
Preparing for Martyn's Law
Whilst there is not yet a date set for the introduction for this legislation, it's advisable to prepare and keep up to date via the website .
You can find more information on the:
- Martyn's Law factsheet on the Home Office blog
- Terrorism (Protection of premises) draft bill: overarching documents on GOV.UK
- Protect UK website
Additional information
PFCC Police and Crime Plan on the Essex Police website.
Crime Prevention and Safety Advice on the Internet
CSP contacts
Chair of the CSP
Cllr Maggie Sutton
Portfolio holder
Cllr Maggie Sutton, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Local Partnerships.
Lead officer
Angi Greneski
Community Safety Officer
Uttlesford District Council
London Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 4ER
Telephone: 01799 510555