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Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan

The Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan was formally made by the Council on 8 December 2016.

Great Dunmow NPcover

A copy of the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan, as made, is available below or may be inspected free of charge during normal office hours at: Uttlesford District Council, London Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4ER or Great Dunmow CSC, The Library, White Hart Way, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1FS.

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Made: 8 December 2016 (PDF) [7MB]

What is the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan?

The Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Town Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of parish and town of Great Dunmow over the period 2015-2032. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

The Parish of Great Dunmow is located in the south of the Uttlesford District and is home to some 8,800 people. It is a uniquely situated market town with a wide range of historic and modern buildings.

Designated neighbourhood plan area

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF) [3MB]

The Parish of Great Dunmow was designated as the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Area by Uttlesford District Council on 25 October 2012.

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan documents

Publication (Regulation 16)

The Great Dunmow Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and a consultation ran from 1 March 2016 to 12 April 2016. Ten representations were received and these were supplied in full to the Neighbourhood Plan Examiner.

Submission responses

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan – Submission Consultation Responses (PDF) [479KB]


An independent examiner  confirmed that the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan meets certain legal requirements, known as the 'basic conditions' and considered representations made on the Plan.

Uttlesford District Council considered the contents of the examiners report and issued a 'Decision Statement' setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the examiner.

Examination documents

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF) [329KB]

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan incorporating examiner's amendments (PDF) [7MB]

Decision statement

Following an independent Examination, Uttlesford District Council recommended that the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum.

Decision statement regarding Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan proceeding to referendum (PDF) [408KB]


 A referendum took place on Thursday 3 November 2016 to decide on the question below:

"Do you want Uttlesford District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Great Dunmow to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

Notice of Referendum - Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF) [63KB]

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF) [159KB]

Appointment of counting observers for the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Referendum document (PDF) [59KB]

Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations - Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF) [65KB]

Result of the referendum

In response to the question, "Do you want Uttlesford District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Great Dunmow to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?", the votes were:

Yes: 1451

No: 111

The total votes cast were 1562, with one spoiled paper.  The turnout was just over 20%.

Making of the plan

At Council on 8 December 2016 the Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan was formally made (the Neighbourhood Plan legislation's term for adopted) by the District Council as part of the Statutory development plan.   The Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan now sits alongside the Uttlesford Local Plan Adopted 2005.  Should planning permission be sought in areas covered by the adopted neighbourhood plan, the application must be determined in accordance with both the neighbourhood plan and the Local Plan. 


Additional information

Great Dunmow Neighbourhood Plan website

Great Dunmow Town Council - An introduction to neighbourhood planning - Neighbourhood Planning Regulations Consultation

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