Planning Policy and the Local Plan
As the local planning authority, the council is responsible for developing local plans, gathering the necessary evidence and consulting with local communities, businesses and interested parties.
Towards a new Local Plan
In March 2020, the government announced that all authorities will be required to have up-to-date Local Plans in place by December 2023. Uttlesford District Council is committed to preparing a new Local Plan in an efficient and effective manner that provides for sustainable growth and benefits for the district.
We are committed to involving residents, businesses, town and parish councils. This will begin by developing a consensus on what the plan will aspire to achieve and a new Statement of Community Involvement to ensure this happens in a positive and engaging way.
A programme of works and timetable outlining the steps to deliver a new Local Plan by summer 2024 is being developed.
Withdrawal of the draft Local Plan 2019
Councillors decided to withdraw the draft Uttlesford Local Plan 2019 and start a new plan at an Extraordinary Council Meeting (ECM) on Thursday 30 April. The decision was in response to the government-appointed Inspectors' Letter, dated 10 January 2020 and the independent Peer Review report from the East of England Local Government Association, dated 23 March 2020.
Local Plan 2005
The new Local Plan
Community led planning