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Hatfield Heath Neighbourhood Plan

The parish of Hatfield Heath has been designated as a Neighbourhood Plan Development Area.

The Hatfield Heath Neighbourhood Plan is being compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Hatfield Heath Parish and village. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

The Parish of Hatfield Heath is a rural community in open countryside but close to Hatfield Forest. In the parish there are 44 listed buildings or groups of listed buildings, including the Grade II* Down Hall. Just to the north of the village is Camp 116, a Second World War prisoner-of-war camp on Mill Lane which has recently been included on the Local Heritage List for Uttlesford.

Designated neighbourhood plan area

Hatfield Heath Neighbourhood Development Plan area (PDF, 2 MB)

The Parish of Hatfield Heath was designated as the Hatfield Heath Neighbourhood Plan Development Area by an executive decision of Uttlesford District Council on 20 December 2021.

Hatfield Heath Neighbourhood Plan documents

Hatfield Heath application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area [231.12KB]


Additional information

Hatfield Heath Parish Council

GOV.UK - An introduction to neighbourhood planning

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