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Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets each month to deal with major planning applications and other minor planning applications that have not been decided by delegated authority.

The majority of planning applications are decided by the Strategic Director of Planning under 'delegated authority'. This is explained in our Constitution

Approximately 15 per cent of applications are referred to and decided by the Planning Committee. The committee is open to members of the public.

Speaking at Planning Committee meetings

You can apply to speak at a committee meeting about a planning application if you are a:

  • member of the public
  • representative of a town or parish council
  • applicant
  • agent

Read guidance on  how you can have your say at Planning Committee meetings.

Planning Committee meetings

Read the latest agenda and items to be considered, find out about members of the committee and search for decisions made at previous meetings

Latest Planning Committee decisions

Find results and actions from the most recent Planning Committee meeting

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