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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Where to park in Uttlesford

Where to park, how much it will cost, when and how you need to pay.

Parking in Uttlesford is run for us by the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP).

Lower Street Car Park

There will be restricted parking in the long stay section of Lower Street Car Park in Stansted for 5 weeks in February and March.

From Monday 17 February to Friday 21 March, Network Rail will be carrying out engineering works to the rail line that borders the Lower Street Car Park.

The car park will remain open whilst the works are carried out but there will be some restrictions in place and a number of long stay parking bays will be unavailable.

Car parking in Great Dunmow

Prices, number of spaces and opening times for all of the car parks in Great Dunmow

Car parking in Saffron Walden

Prices, number of spaces and opening times for all of the car parks in Saffron Walden

Car parking in Stansted Mountfitchet

Prices, number of spaces and opening times for all of the car parks in Stansted Mountfitchet

MiPermit: pay for parking by phone

You can pay for parking using your phone at any of our pay and display car parks

Car park season tickets

You can apply for season tickets for certain car parks in Uttlesford

Car parking map

Find your nearest car park in the Uttlesford District.

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