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STAR survey 2019

The STAR survey gives our tenants a chance to tell us what they think about the council as a landlord.

In the autumn of 2019, we ran the STAR survey to give all tenants and leaseholders the opportunity to let us know what they think about the council as a landlord. We had hundreds of responses, so thank you to everyone who took part.

In all, there were 20 sets of questions - many of which were replicated from the 2017 survey - and they covered a range of topics including satisfaction with council housing services, ongoing priorities for the service, repairs, and what people think about their neighbourhood.

There were also some additional questions about the Tenant and Leaseholder Panel.

What our tenants said

Overall, the feedback from the survey was positive, with almost 80% of those who responded saying they are satisfied with the housing services provided by the council. About 86% said staff were approachable and friendly, and 73% said they trust the authority. Almost 87% think their rent money provides value for money, and 90% said they are happy with their neighbourhood.

In terms of service priorities, repairs and maintenance of council properties was the most popular answer. We now have made some significant changes to the way the repairs and maintenance service is managed.

Elsewhere in the survey, most respondents completed the questions about the things they think are a problem within their neighbourhood. The most selected areas of concern were car parking (chosen by almost 70% as either a major or minor problem) and dog fouling (chosen by 45% as either a major or minor problem). As a result of the findings, the housing team is working with colleagues from other departments to look further into these issues and to see where improvements can be made. We will provide an update in the next edition of .

More information about the survey, including a breakdown of the results, can be found in the STAR survey 2019 summary report (PDF, 897 KB).

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