Closed consultations
Details all the recent consultations that have taken place across the district.
Service area/Directorate Communities
Consultation Community safety in Uttlesford
We were asking you for your views on crime and community safety in Uttlesford.
Consultation period 8:30am on Friday 25 October to 4:30pm on Friday 29 November 2024.
Further information
Community safety in Uttlesford survey (closed)
Service area/Directorate Benefits
Consultation Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) proposed 2025/26 scheme
We were asking you for your views on how much support we should give to people who might struggle to pay their Council Tax bill.
Consultation period 8:30am on Monday 16 September to 5pm on Monday 28 October 2024.
Further information
Have your say on Council Tax support scheme for 2025/26
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Regulation 19 Local Plan
This consultation was on the publication version (Regulation 19) of the Uttlesford Local Plan 2021 - 2034.
Consultation period 10am on Thursday 8 August to 23:59pm on Thursday 3 October 2024.
Further information
In accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 representations were invited on the publication version of the Uttlesford Local Plan 2021 - 2041. Representations were required to focus on whether the proposed plan is legally compliant and meets the tests of 'soundness' as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Local Plan (Regulation 19) consultation
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Statement of gambling principles review
We were consulting on a revised statement of principles to set out how we will carry out our duties as required under the Gambling Act 2005.
Consultation period Monday 1 July to Monday 12 August 2024.
Further information
In accordance with Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005, Uttlesford District Council must review its Statement of Licensing Principles every 3 years, and the process includes a statutory public consultation.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Hackney carriage and private hire fees
We were asking you to comment on our proposals to vary the fees for hackney carriage and private hire licences.
Consultation period Thursday 18 January to Thursday 15 February 2024.
Further information
A copy of the notice of consultation will at all reasonable hours be available for public inspection without payment at the Uttlesford District Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden CB11 4ER.
Service area/Directorate Business
Consultation Car parking in Uttlesford
From 4 January we will be asking for your feedback on some changes to the management of our car parks and what we will be charging for parking from April 2024.
Consultation period Thursday 11 January to 4:30pm on Friday 2 February 2024.
Further information
We are required to review and consult on any changes to car parking tariffs.
Car parking in Uttlesford consultation
Service area/Directorate Planning
Consultation Validation checklists consultation
We are asking for your views on our updated draft validation checklists which we are proposing to adopt in 2024.
Consultation period Thursday 14 December 2023 to 5pm on Thursday 25 January 2024.
Further information
We are required to review and consult on our validation checklists every 2 years.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Lindsell Neighbourhood Area and Forum
We were asking for your feedback on a proposed Neighbourhood Area and Forum in Lindsell.
Consultation period Monday 6 November to Sunday 17 December 2023
Further information
A local community group within Uttlesford has applied to establish a Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum for the parish of Lindsell and we ran a public consultation.
Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Area and Forum consultation
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Regulation 18 Local Plan
This consultation was on the first draft of our new Local Plan for Uttlesford (Regulation 18).
Consultation period 3 November to 5pm on 18 December
Further information
The Draft Plan contains the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and planning policy framework which we consider will best address the challenges and make the most of opportunities which face Uttlesford now, and in the future.
Read the draft Local Plan and respond to the consultation
Service area/Directorate Finance/corporate
Consultation Council spending - have your say!
We are asking for your views as we begin the process of setting our spending budget for the 2024/25 financial year.
Consultation period 25 September 2023 to 5 November 2023
Further information
You can read about how we spend our money and respond to the consultation on our Let's Talk website.
Service area/Directorate Housing
Consultation Tenant Engagement Strategy
We're developing a new strategy which aims to tell you how we intend to improve how we listen and work with our tenants and leaseholders.
Consultation period 4 September 2023 to 3 November 2023
Further information
The council is writing a new Tenant Engagement Strategy with the help of your Tenant and Leaseholder Panel but we also need to know what is important to you and how we can help you to engage more with us as your landlord.
You can read about the proposed strategy and respond to the consultation on our Let's Talk website.
Service area/Directorate Planning Conservation and Heritage
Consultation Smiths Green Takeley Conservation Area Appraisal
We were asking for your feedback on a proposed new conservation area for Smiths Green in Takeley.
Consultation period 8:30am on Monday 31 July to 4:30pm on Friday 29 September
Further information
A Heritage Assessment and Audit was commissioned in 2022 by Takeley Parish Council as part of the Takeley Neighbourhood Plan. This assessment highlighted the potential to designate Smiths Green as a conservation area.
Takeley Parish Council have commissioned Essex County Council's Place Services to undertake a conservation area appraisal and to recommend the extent of the proposed conservation area boundary.
We were consulting on a proposed new conservation area for Smiths Green in Takeley.
Find out more on the Smiths Green Takeley Conservation Area Appraisal.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Uttlesford Design Code
We asked you for your views on the design of new homes, shops, workplaces, amenities and public spaces to conserve and enhance the unique character of the district.
Consultation period 28 July 2023 to 22 September 2023
Further information
The Uttlesford Design Code will be a practical and useable guide for all parties involved in the design and planning of development in Uttlesford. It will set out a series of rules and guidelines that, when followed, will combine to ensure that all proposals are designed and built to the highest quality expected by Uttlesford District Council. These must be taken into account in any planning application.
You can read the draft code and respond to the consultation on our design code website.
Service area/Directorate Finance/corporate
Consultation Proposed LCTS 2024/25 scheme for Uttlesford
We were asking you for your views on how much support we should give to people who might struggle to pay their Council Tax bill.
Consultation period 3 July 2023 to 4 September 2023
Further information
You can read about the proposed scheme on our Let's Talk website.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Statement of Licensing Policy 2022-2027 consultation
We consulted on a revised statement of licensing policy to set out how we will carry out our duties as required under the Licensing Act 2003.
Consultation period Monday 1 May to Sunday 23 July 2023
Further information
Under Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 the licensing authority is required to prepare a statement of principles that they propose to apply in exercising their functions under this Act.
We are required, by law, to review and publish a revised policy every 5 years.
Service area/Directorate Climate change
Consultation Bike share options for Saffron Walden
This survey was designed to explore if there is interest in providing access to a pool of bikes in Saffron Walden.
Consultation period 15 March to 15 June 2023
Further information
Bike sharing is a collective term for where a pool of bikes is made available for people to use rather than having to own or use their own bike. There are many different type of bike share. In larger towns and cities like Cambridge, bikes are placed on-street with self service access for one-way hires across a network of parking bays. In some smaller locations bikes may link up just 2 or 3 key locations.
Other schemes often offer pick up and drop off in only one location, more like traditional bike hire or longer term loans to try out cycling bike before buying one.
These questions were designed to assess what options might work in Saffron Walden and to invite anyone who would like to get involved in supporting the idea to work with us.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document consultation
We were asking for your comments on a proposed new Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Uttlesford.
Consultation period Thursday 17 November to 4:30pm on Friday 6 January 2023.
Service area/Directorate Climate change
Consultation Improvements to walking and cycling in Uttlesford
We launched a survey which asked you to share your ideas on how we can improve walking and cycling in the district.
Consultation period Closed
Further information
We needed to hear from you with your ideas on where there are opportunities to improve our local walking and cycling infrastructure. To help we put together a map of the district.
You can find the results of the Uttlesford walking and cycling survey on the Commonplace website.
Service area/Directorate Climate change
Consultation Biodiversity mapping
We launched a biodiversity mapping tool that enabled you to tell us about local sites with important biodiversity or that have the potential to be havens for plants, animals and insects.
Consultation period Closed
Further information
We set up a webpage where you could drop a pin on a map of Uttlesford to show the location of any sites. You were then asked to answer 5 short questions to give us more information. Sites could be anything from a small as a road verge to the corner of a churchyard.
You can find the results of the Uttlesford biodiversity map survey on the Commonplace website.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation CCTV in taxi and private hire vehicles
We were asking for your views on on whether CCTV in taxi and private hire vehicles should be voluntary or mandatory.
Consultation period Wednesday 2 November 2022 to Wednesday 30 November 2022.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Hackney carriage and private hire fees and charges
We were asking you to comment on our proposals to vary the fees for hackney carriage and private hire licences.
Consultation period Wednesday 2 November 2022 to Wednesday 30 November 2022.
Service area/Directorate Finance/corporate
Consultation Council spending - have your say!
We were asking for your views as we begin the process of setting our spending budget for the 2023/24 financial year.
Consultation period 8:30am on Thursday 22 September 2022 to midnight on Monday 31 October 2022
Service area/Directorate Communities
Consultation Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2028
We were asking you to comment on our plans to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of people who live and work in Uttlesford.
Consultation period Wednesday 13 September to Friday 30 September 2022
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation A new design code for Uttlesford
The design code will be produced over the next few months and will be a planning document used by local people, planning officers and developers in the preparation and assessment of planning applications for new development. The aim will be to improve the design quality of new developments in the district.
The first stage in this process was a survey to understand what you like and dislike about the buildings, places and landscapes in Uttlesford, and which parts you feel are really distinctive to the district.
Consultation period Thursday 25 August to Tuesday 13 September 2022
Further information
Find more information and how to give your views on design in Uttlesford.
Service area/Directorate Finance - Revenues and Benefits
Consultation Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme for 2023/24
This was your chance to tell us how much support we should give to people who might struggle to pay their Council Tax bill.
Consultation period Monday 20 June to Monday 5 September 2022
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Statement of gambling principles review
We were consulting on a revised statement of principles to set out how we will carry out our duties as required under the Gambling Act 2005.
Consultation period The consultation ran from Thursday 19 May to Thursday 16 June 2022
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Shopfront Design Guide
We were asking for your comments on a proposed new Shopfront Design Guide for Uttlesford.
Consultation period 30 March to 11 May 2022
Further information
We are proposing that our new guidance will be used to inform decisions on planning applications to ensure a consistent and high level of design and quality across the district.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Focussed consultation on significant modifications to the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan
Ann Skippers, the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan Examiner, requested that we undertake a focussed consultation on proposed significant modifications to the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Development Plan.
We asked for your comments on the proposals to delete the ten policies from the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan.
Consultation period 1 March to 21 March 2022
Further information
More information on the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan
This is a consultation being run by the Regulator for Social Housing
Service area/Directorate Housing
Consultation Tenant satisfaction measures
You were asked to comment on the government's proposed new measures for assessing how well social housing landlords, like UDC, are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
Consultation period Wednesday 19 January to Thursday 3 March 2022
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Assessment of culture, creativity and the arts
The Cultural Engine, an Essex-based social enterprise that develops social, economic and cultural projects, is working on developing a comprehensive 'baseline assessment' of culture, creativity and the arts to inform the Uttlesford Local Plan.
If you work or take part in the cultural, creative or arts sectors as an amateur or professional, we asked you to give us your views on arts provision in the district.
Consultation period Closed on Thursday 17 February 2022
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Fees for hackney carriage and private hire licences
We were asking you to comment on our proposals to vary the fees for hackney carriage and private hire licences.
Consultation period Thursday 6 January to Thursday 3 February 2022
Further information
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 70 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, that Uttlesford District Council proposes to vary the fees payable for the issue of the above mentioned licences as from 1 April 2022.
Service area/Directorate Housing Strategy and Policy
Consultation Housing Strategy 2021-26
We were asking you to comment on our plans for the delivery of affordable and social rented homes within the district for those that need them.
Consultation period Thursday 2 September 2021 to 5pm on Wednesday 13 October 2021
Service area/Directorate Finance/corporate
Consultation Council spending - have your say!
We were asking for your views as we begin the process of setting our spending budget for the 2022/23 financial year.
Consultation period 8:30am on Thursday 30 September 2021 to midnight on Sunday 17 October 2021
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan
We invited representations on the submission version of the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan.
Consultation period 8am Monday 19 July 2021 to 5pm Tuesday 28 September 2021
Further information
More information on the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Sustainability appraisal
The scoping report represents the first stage in the Sustainability Appraisal process. Its purpose is to identify the scope and level of detail of the information to be included in the Sustainability Appraisal report, which will assess the extent to which the new Local Plan will promote sustainable development.
Consultation period Wednesday 11 August 2021 to Wednesday 22 September 2021
Further information
More information on the LP-SA.
Service area/Directorate Finance - Revenues and Benefits
Consultation Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme for 2022/23
You had the chance to tell us how much support we should give to people who might struggle to pay their Council Tax bill.
Consultation period Monday 22 July 2021 to Tuesday 31 August 2021
Further information
More information on the LCTS consultation
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan
Following publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework on 20 July 2021, we are carrying out a focussed consultation for a two-week period on the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan.
Consultation period 8:00am Monday 9 August 2021 to 5:00pm Monday 23 August 2021
Further information
More information on the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Uttlesford business survey
Whether you are a sole trader, small or large, we'd like to hear from you. The survey has been commissioned by Uttlesford Council to inform the development of a new Local Plan and the planning policies to support economic growth.
Consultation period Monday 26 July 2021 to Monday 18 August 2021
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Consultation on a new Tables and Chairs on the Highway Policy
We were consulting on a new policy for the licensing of tables and chairs on the highway.
The consultation ran until Wednesday 30 June 2021.
Further information
More information on the .
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation The new Local Plan consultation and the Community Stakeholder Forum
We carried out extensive engagement on a wide range of different themes, starting with 'Where you live' from 11 November 2020.
This programme of 'mini consultations' was aligned to the Community Stakeholder Forum meeting schedule and ran until the end of May 2021. We will use all comments and ideas to inform our work on a draft version of the new Local Plan.
Further information
More information on the Consultation and the Community Stakeholder Forum.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Consultation on on changes to our private hire vehicle plate exemption guidance
We were consulting on new guidance for exemption from the requirement to display identification plates and signs for private hire vehicles.
The consultation ran from Monday 22 March to Sunday 18 April 2021.
Further information
More information on the .
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16)
We were inviting representations on the submission version of the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan.
The consultation ran from 8am Monday 15 February 2021 to 5pm Monday 12 April 2021.
Further information
More information on the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Consultation on fare increase for Uttlesford hackney carriage vehicles
Pursuant to Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, Uttlesford District Council are carrying out a consultation on behalf of hackney carriage drivers who have requested an increase in fares for hackney carriage vehicles.
The 14 days consultation ran from Monday 22 March 2021 to Sunday 4 April 2021.
Further information
More information on the .
Service area/Directorate Planning Conservation
Consultation Draft second edition Uttlesford Local Heritage List
We're asking for your comments on the second edition of the district's Local Heritage List.
Our feedback period ran from 4 January until 15 February 2021.
Further information
More information on the Local heritage list.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Policy NQRHA1 Coherence of Villages Submission Neighbourhood Plan version of the Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan
Given Uttlesford District Council's proposal to make a decision which differs from that recommended by the examiner (in relation to Policy NQRHA1 Coherence of Villages (bullet point 5) ( Submission Neighbourhood Plan [13.4MB]), there will now follow a seven-week period of consultation (this should be six weeks but is extended to seven week to take account of Christmas and New year holidays) during which Newport Parish Council, all those who submitted representations to Uttlesford District Council during the Regulation 16 publication stage, and any consultation body that has previously been consulted on the Neighbourhood Plan will be invited to make comments on Policy NQRHA1 Coherence of Villages Submission Neighbourhood Plan version (bullet point 5) (in accordance with section 13[1] of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990).
A seven week consultation took place from 9am Monday 7 December 2020 to 5pm Monday 25 January 2021.
Further information
More information on the Newport and Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation Draft Statement of Community Involvement and new Community Engagement Strategy
We're asking for your views on a Draft Statement of Community Involvement and a new Community Engagement Strategy.
Our feedback period runs from Wednesday 28 October and closes at 5.00pm on Wednesday 9 December 2020.
Further information
More information on the .
Service area/Directorate Finance - Revenues and Benefits
Consultation Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS) consultation
Uttlesford District Council sought feedback on how much support we should give to people who might struggle to pay their Council Tax bill.
The consultation closed on Friday 18 September 2020
Further information
The results of the consultation will be presented to the council's Scrutiny Committee.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Fees and charges consultation
Uttlesford District Council proposed to review our policy in regard to all drivers so that is that each should be mandated to sign up to the Enhanced DBS update service in order to maximise safeguarding responsibilities of the community.
Status Closed
The consultation closed on Sunday 23 August 2020
Service area/Directorate Housing
Consultation Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy consultation 2019
We were asking you to comment on our plans to help prevent homelessness and rough sleeping in Uttlesford.
Status Closed
The consultation closed at 5pm on Thursday 19 December 2019
Service area/Directorate Housing
Consultation STAR survey 2019
We were asking council tenants for their views on Uttlesford District Council as a landlord.
Status Closed
The consultation closed at 5pm on Monday 2 December 2019
Further information
More information and summary of results on the STAR survey 2019.
Service area/Directorate Democratic and Electoral Services
Consultation Polling district and polling places review
We have been carrying out a review of our polling districts and polling places that will be used in future elections.
Status Closed
Our feedback period ran until 7 October 2019
Further information
More information on the .
Service area/Directorate Revenues
Consultation Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) survey
We are considering maintaining the current LCTS scheme for another year in 2020 to 2021. and asked all Uttlesford residents to comment on the proposals.
Status Closed
The survey closed at 5pm on 30 September 2019
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Review of Taxi licensing policies
Status Closed
End date Midnight on 30 January 2019
Further information
Following a meeting of the Licensing and Environmental Health Committee on 27 November 2018 we ran an eight week trade and public consultation on a number of proposals aimed at improving public safety and continuing to raise standards.
Service area/Directorate Planning
Consultation Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan referendum
Status Closed
End date 10:00am on Thursday 24 January 2019
Further information
A referendum took place on Thursday 24 January 2019 to decide whether the Neighbourhood Plan for Thaxted should be used to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.
Read all the documents and find out more
Service area/Directorate Planning
Consultation Regulation 19 Pre-submission Local Plan
Status Closed
End date 5:00pm on Monday 13 August 2018
Further information
The new Uttlesford Local Plan will be part of the statutory planning framework for the District to 2033 guiding decisions on all aspects of development. Comments on the Pre-submission Local Plan were invited.
Service area/Directorate Licensing
Consultation Gambling Act Policy consultation 2018
Status Closed
End date Monday 13 August 2018
Further information The Licensing & Environmental Health Committee have approved a revised draft Gambling Act Policy as a basis for guidance and we asked for your feedback on it.
Service area/Directorate Democratic and Electoral Services
Consultation Community governance review 2018 Stages 1 and2 consultation
Status Closed
End date 31 August 2018
Further information The Council undertook a community governance review of parish boundaries and electoral arrangements in relation to the parishes of Little Easton, Great Dunmow North ward of Great Dunmow, and Aythorpe Roding.
Service area/Directorate Planning
Consultation Local Heritage List public consultation
Status Closed
End date Wednesday 4 July 2018
Further information Uttlesford residents had the opportunity to tell the District Council what they though about a draft Local Heritage List.
Service area/Directorate Planning Policy
Consultation West of Braintree Garden Community Issues and Options Consultation
Status Closed
End date 5:00pm on Monday 22 January 2018
Further information
Residents were given the opportunity to have their say on plans for a garden community on the Uttlesford-Braintree border.
The West of Braintree Garden Community: Issues and Options [2Mb] document has been prepared collaboratively between Braintree District Council (BDC) and Uttlesford District Council (UDC).
The Issues and Options consultation represents the first stage in preparing specific, detailed plans for the West of Braintree Garden Community. This plan, once prepared, will include the strategies, policies and proposals required to guide the delivery of the Garden Community.
All comments submitted as part of this consultation can be viewed on the Braintree District Council consultation portal.