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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Anti-social behaviour

What anti-social behaviour is, how to report it to us and what action we will take.

We will not tolerate incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB). This will be made clear to all our tenants, prospective tenants and residents of the district.

Report anti-social behaviour

If you have been a victim of anti social behaviour, you can report it to us using our online form.

You should use this form to report the first anti-social behaviour incident only.

Report anti-social behaviour

Once we have received your form we can send you diary sheets to keep a record of any further anti-social behaviour that takes place.

Anti-social Behaviour Policy

Our Anti-social Behaviour Policy (PDF, 202 KB) applies to tenants and residents, their families and any other occupants and visitors. The same principles apply to members of staff and other people working on behalf of the council.

In response to the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 we have fully reviewed our ASB policy and procedures.

This policy tells you what we mean by 'anti-social behaviour' and sets out our responsibilities and objectives for the council's ASB services.  It says what we want our services to achieve for people experiencing ASB, and details the kind of service level and quality we aim to provide.  It also explains the broad approach we have agreed to adopt in order to support and advance these objectives. 

The policy document explains our responsibilities to tackle ASB arise from three distinct roles. These are our:

While these are distinct roles, there are very strong links between all three. We also have close working arrangements between the departments that deliver these services.

Anti-social behaviour procedures

The actions described in our Anti-Social Behaviour Procedure (PDF, 326 KB) mainly concern our landlord and Community Safety Partnership roles and so tend to say more about the work of our Housing Department and the Community Safety Team.

Environmental ASB is tackled by various departments within the council, each of which works to its own set of policies and procedures.

Contact us about ASB

For further help or information please contact our Community Safety Team.


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