Planning applications: how to calculate fees and charges
When you submit a planning application the fee will depend on the type and size of application.
Fees should be paid at the same time as the application is submitted. If there is no fee or the fee is incorrect you will be notified. If you are submitting your application via the Planning Portal you can also pay online.
How to calculate your fees
To calculate fees all floorspace should be measured externally.
Where any combined applications are made which relate to more than one category of development (e.g. change of use and the erection of extensions) the fee should be the highest fee taken from the relevant categories rather than the fees added together.
Where a mixed use development is applied for, including the formation of residential units, the fee is calculated by adding the amount payable for the number of residential units to the fee for the amount of other use floorspace.
If you submit your application via the Planning Portal you will have the fees calculated for you. These can be paid online. You can also use the Planning Portal fee calculator to work out what your fees are likely to be.
Planning Portal fee calculator
Paying additional fees
If you need to pay additional fees you can do so via the Council's online payment service. You will need to select the 'Planning Applications' option from the left menu on the payments page and quote your planning application number which starts 'UTT'.
Pay additional fees for a planning application
Additional information
► Planning Portal applications - what it costs
► Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 (opens new window) (opens in new window)