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Design statements

A design statement provides an opportunity for your community to describe how they feel the physical character of the parish can be enhanced.

What is a design statement?


To assess character and set guidelines to influence what future development should look like.


A design statement sits outside the local authority development plan as 'a material consideration in the determination of planning applications' or 'planning guidance' (subject to local authority approval).

The document

It will provide an assessment of the character of the built and natural environment and elements of design that are of local significance. The document also provides views and opinions about various elements of character and aspirations for the future.
It results in guidelines about the design of future development (including an attempt to influence permitted development).

Approved statements

The following have been adopted as council approved guidance in determining planning applications and the preparation of the local development framework. 

Elmdon Village Design Statement 2019 (PDF, 15 MB)

Great Canfield Village Design Statement (2010) (PDF, 4 MB)

Great Dunmow Town Design Statement (2009) (PDF, 29 MB)
Note: Minutes explaining why not all recommendations in the Great Dunmow statement were adopted by the council (PDF, 18 KB)

Little Bardfield Village Design Statement (2009) (PDF, 1 MB)

Thaxted Design Statement (2010) (PDF, 5 MB)

Widdington Village Design Statement (2009) (PDF, 4 MB)


Additional information

RCCE community led planning


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