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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Senior staff pay

We publish details of the pay for all staff earning salaries of £50,000 per annum or more.

The Local government transparency code 2015 requires the council to publish data on the number of employees whose remuneration in each year was at least £50,000.

What the data includes

This data includes:

  • the number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000
  • details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000
  • employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must also be identified by name
  • a list of responsibilities

Benefits in kind

The benefits in kind column relates solely to car expenses. Certain officers, depending upon their job role, are provided with a contribution either towards a leased car or the running costs of their own vehicle.


The regulations governing the pension scheme are set nationally. Employees are expected to make contributions of between five per cent and 7.5 per cent into the pension fund (the more you earn the more you contribute). This employee contribution is matched by an employer contribution which is currently 12.5 per cent. New pension rules applying from 1st April 2010 mean that senior staff may be taxed on both the employer and employee contributions at the higher rate of tax.


Our corporate management organisation chart (PDF) [128KB] shows the responsibilities and salary bands for senior officers.

Senior officers remuneration

Employees whose remuneration in the reported year was at least £50,000.

Data is published in the RFC 4180 open standard for CSV files as recommended by the government. You can read about this standard in the Tabular data standard profile on GOV.UK.


Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors

Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors remuneration 2022/23 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]

(1) Director of Planning & Building Control new appointment commenced 27 June 2022
(2) Assistant Director of Finance new appointment commenced 1 August 2022
(3) Previous title was Assistant Director Resources, changed to Assistant Director Commercial & Digital Change Management 1 May 2022
(4) Previous title was Assistant Director ICT Facilities, changed to Assistant Director of Business & Change Management 1 May 2022
(5) Director of Public Services post ended 30 November 2022


Managers remuneration 2022/23 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]

(1) Previous title was Customer Services and Performance Manager, changed to Contract, Performance and Risk Manager 3 Jan 2023


Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors

Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors remuneration 2021/22 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]

(1) Assistant Director of Planning & Building Control left position 3 February 2022


Managers remuneration 2021/22 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]


Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors

Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors remuneration 2020/21 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB] Note: These are draft figures as published in the Draft Statement of Accounts 2020/21.

(1) Assistant Director - Governance and Legal post vacant from 18 July 2020 at an annualised salary of £73,420.


Managers remuneration 2020/21 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]

Note: These are draft figures.


Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors

Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors remuneration 2019/20 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]


Managers remuneration 2019/20 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]


Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors

Chief Executive, directors and assistant directors remuneration 2018/19 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [1KB]

(1) Job title change: Assistant Director - Housing, Health and Communities formerly known as Assistant Director - Housing and Environmental Services
(2) Assistant Director - Environmental Services post appointed 14 December 2018 at an annualised salary of new appointment £67,993


Managers remuneration 2018/19 (gi.ui.mediatype.spreadsheets) [901B]

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