Advice for tenants
What happens before and after you move into a council property.
The law surrounding tenancy agreements, for both landlords and tenants themselves, is complex and can be confusing.
Advice for tenants, both private and social, and landlords can be found on the Tenancy Agreement website. This contains a wide range of information covering all aspects of tenancy.
This website is for information only and is not in any way affiliated with Uttlesford District Council.
Tenant handbook
We are currently working on a new handbook.
Fire Safety
Our fire safety guide for council owned flats has been produced specifically for the blocks of flats owned by the council and is based on the fire safety risk assessments carried out on each building. Although the council recognises its legal duty with regard to risk assessments is limited to the communal areas only it has extended the recommendations made in this guide to include the living areas of the flats as these potentially present the highest risk of fire occurring.
The guide also makes reference to those flats within blocks that have been purchased privately as they remain integral to the fire safety of the building as a whole.
Tenancy agreement
Details of your Tenancy agreement and what happens if you break your tenancy conditions (PDF, 548 KB).
You can also find out about your rights and responsibilities - what you can and cannot do.