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Key dates for the Stansted Airport application

You can view key dates for the planning application.

► Committee date: 24 January 2020 10:00 am Extraordinary Planning Committee resolved that having regard to:

a. noise from the development as fully implemented;

b. air quality, specifically PM 2.5 and ultrafine particles, resulting from the development as fully implemented

c. generally accepted perceptions and understandings of climate change, planning permission for the development is refused.

We have published the full decision notice for the Stansted Airport application on our planning application system.

► Additional public speaking sessions prior to committee: 17 January 2020 - public speaking session.

► Council meeting: 28 June 2019 4:00 pm Extraordinary Council meeting resolved that:

In accordance with Section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 143(2) of the Localism Act 2011 to instruct the Chief Executive and fellow officers not to issue a Planning Decision Notice for planning application UTT/18/0460/FUL unless and until the Council's Planning Committee have had a sufficient opportunity to consider in detail, as timely as possible:

(i) the adequacy of the proposed Section 106 Agreement between UDC and Stansted Airport Ltd, having regard to the Heads of Terms contained in the resolution approved by the Council's Planning Committee on 14th November 2018;

(ii) any new material considerations and/or changes in circumstances since 14 November 2018 to which weight may now be given in striking the planning balance which would reasonably justify attaching a different weight to relevant factors previously considered 

And thereafter ask the Planning Committee to determine the authorisation of the issue of a Planning Decision Notice.

► Committee date: 14 November 2018 10:00 am Planning Committee resolved to approve the application subject to the conditions in the report and the applicant entering into a S106 Agreement in respect of the obligations as set out in the heads of terms.

► Additional public speaking sessions prior to committee: 

6 November 10.00 am - 1:00 pm Planning - Stansted Airport Public Speaking Session
7 November 2.00 - 5:00 pm Planning - Stansted Airport Public Speaking Session
7 November 6.00 - 9:00 pm Planning - Stansted Airport Public Speaking Session

► Additional information added: On 19 July we received some additional information relating to the application. As a result, the consultation period was extended to 30 August 2018. The additional documents cover a range of studies including air quality, noise, surface access and ecology.  

► Date for comments to be received by: 30 April 2018 5:00 pm

► Application validated: 22 February 2018

► Application received: 22 February 2018


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