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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Public data

About the range of data that is published by us, where you can find it and how to use it.

We make a range of datasets available.

Some data we are required to publish by the Local government transparency code 2015. This sets out the minimum data that local authorities should be publishing, the frequency it should be published and how it should be published.

We also publish information where we believe the data is:

  • of wider public interest
  • information that is frequently requested
  • information that is not available from us elsewhere

Published data

We publish data on:

Other data

We also publish maps and geogrphical data.

Information from recent census and other surveys is available on our local statistics and census pages.

Most requested data

We publish information about the council as part of our publication scheme (PDF, 568 KB).

Check our transparency pages to see if the information you need has already been requested.

We have already published information on:

Licensing of our data

Our public data is released under the Open Government Licence 3.0 (OGL 3.0). This explains what you can and cannot do with the data.

Some data might be removed or made unreadable by adding a black box over it (this is called 'redacted' information). For example, we might do this with personal information that could identify an individual (email addresses, personal telephone numbers), or information that is commercially sensitive. We do this to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act 2018. These control how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or government.


The data we have published has been collected from a variety of sources as part of the work of Uttlesford District Council.  We take care to ensure that the data is accurate. However, we cannot guarantee our data is fit for your intended purpose or use. We recommend that you make your own checks before relying on any data we publish.

File formats

Where possible and relevant, we have also made data available in both a 'document format (such as PDF) and an open, 'machine-readable' format that is not dependent on any specific software (such as CSV or XML). Not all data is available in each format.

Some data is only published in the RFC 4180 open standard for CSV files as recommended by the government. You can read about this standard in the Tabular data standard profile on GOV.UK.

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