Pay policy
The Localism Act 2011 requires us to publish a pay policy and to review it annually. The policy sets out the pay and remuneration schemes in place for all employees for the year.
This document aims to provide our managers and employees with clear guidance on how our pay policies should be managed and maintained in the workplace. It also outlines our Pay Multiple and Gender Pay Gap data.
We review and republish the document on an annual basis to ensure that we take a consistent and fair approach to how we pay staff at all levels.
The Pay policy 2024/25 (PDF, 384 KB) was approved by Council on 26 February 2024.
Average salaries
The minimum annual salary of our employees in 2024/25 is £24,294 FTE, Grade 3 (subject to the NJC national pay award)
Based on staffing levels at the time of issuing this policy and salary data as at 31 March 2024, the approximate mean average salary for non-Chief Officer employees is £34,605 and the median salary is £33,024.
Based on staffing levels at the time of issuing this policy and salary data as at 31 March 2024, the approximate mean average salary for Chief Officers is £75,505 and the median is £80,745.
Living Wage
The Living Wage is an hourly rate set independently and updated annually. The Living Wage is calculated according to the basic cost of living using the "Minimum Income Standard" for the UK.
In January 2015, The Living Wage Foundation accredited Uttlesford District Council as a Living Wage Employer.
The Living Wage commitment will see that everyone working at the council, regardless of whether they are permanent employees or third-party contractors and suppliers, receive a minimum hourly wage of at least the Living Wage. The minimum hourly rate that we pay our employees is £12.59, which is significantly higher than the National Living Wage of £11.44 per hour and the Real Living Wage of £12.00 per hour.
As an apprentice we will pay at least the Apprentice National Minimum Wage. The current minimum wage rate for an apprentice is £6.40 per hour.
Additional information
► Pay policy 2023/24 (PDF, 381 KB)
► Pay Policy 2022/23 (PDF, 372 KB)
► Pay Policy 2021/22 (PDF, 377 KB)
► Pay Policy 2020/21 (PDF, 387 KB)
► Pay Policy 2019/20 (PDF, 238 KB)
► Salary grades - what we'll pay you
► "Green Book" - National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service (PDF, 1 MB)
► Standby and Recall to Work Payment Policy (PDF, 78 KB)