Voter photo ID at elections
What identification you will need to vote in person at polling stations on election day.

You will not be required to provide photo ID if you vote by post.
Accepted forms of photographic ID
Following the government's new voter security measures, you need to show photo ID at the polling station before you receive your ballot paper.
Accepted photo ID includes:
- driving licence
- passport
- Blue Badge
- PASS card (National Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
- biometric residence permit (BRP)
- Defence Identity Card (MOD form 90)
- certain national identity cards
- certain travel passes
You can find a full list of acceptable photo ID on GOV.UK.
If your photographic identity has expired, it will still be accepted if the photograph is still a good likeness of you.
You may be required to provide further proof of identity if there is a discrepancy between your name shown on the form of identity and the name you claim to be.
Apply for free photo ID for voting
If you do not have any of the accepted forms of photo ID, you will be able to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) in person, by post or online.
Voter identification statistics
The data below shows statistics from recent local elections for the number of people eligible to vote at a polling station, not issued with a ballot paper because they did not meet the new voter ID requirements and those that returned with acceptable ID and were able to vote.
Thursday 4 July 2024 - Parliamentary General Election
116 - The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but at least initially were not issued with, a ballot paper.
97 - The total number of polling station electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper.
19 - The total number of polling station electors who applied for but were not issued with a ballot paper by close of poll.
65,784 - The total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations.
43,022 - The total number of voters issued with a ballot paper at polling stations.
Parliamentary General Election - North West Essex constituency - Thursday 4 July 2024
Thursday 2 May 2024 - Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner election for Essex
83 - The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but at least initially were not issued with, a ballot paper.
56 - The total number of polling station electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and who later returned with accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper.
27 - The total number of polling station electors who applied for but were not issued with a ballot paper by close of poll.
59,718 - The total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations.
8,458 - The total number of voters issued with a ballot paper at polling stations.