Planning appeal - Land To The North Of Cornells Lane
Core documents and appeal details for planning application on land to the north of Cornells Lane, Widdington for the erection of 4 no. detached dwellings and associated works.
The public hearing will get underway at 10am on Wednesday 11 January 2023, please note this is a virtual event only.
Proposal: Proposed erection of 4 no. detached dwellings and associated works. Land To The North Of Cornells Lane Widdington CB11 3SG
Details: You can find full details of the outline proposal and all of the associated documents by searching our planning application system. To find this application you will need to search using the application reference UTT/21/2137/FUL.
You can find details of this appeal case on the Planning Inspectorate appeals casework portal.
This appeal has been given the reference APP/C1570/W/22/3296928. To find this case on the portal you will need to enter the seven digit reference number 3296928.
Follow the appeal
The inquiry is being held virtually.
Due an unexpected issue with our YouTube live feed we have provided the following link for residents to watch the appeal via Zoom.