Are you worried about how you'll pay your Council Tax bill?
Uttlesford District Council has two schemes to help residents who are struggling to pay their Council Tax bill.
The Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme gives an 87.5% discount for residents on low incomes. In addition, the Cost-of-Living Support Fund is available to help residents with their Council Tax bill, potentially freeing up funds for other priority payments and outgoings.
Cllr Neil Hargreaves, Portfolio Holder for Finance, said: "We are aware that the increased costs of daily life are affecting many residents, particularly in the winter months. We know from the LCTS consultation that some residents in need still don't qualify for LCTS and that is why we are keeping this additional fund available to support those who are struggling financially in the short-term with their Council Tax payments."
To qualify for help from the scheme, residents must be liable for the Council Tax bill and occupy a property within the district as their main home.
Applications will be considered on the basis that the applicant or household would suffer financial hardship if assistance were not given. Supporting evidence is required along with the application.
Full details and the short online application form can be found at:
Residents who need assistance in completing the form can contact the council on 01799 510510 to arrange an appointment.
To see if you would qualify for Local Council Tax Support, visit the council website to use the online benefits calculator:
Claims for LCTS can be made online at:
28 October 2024