Community safety in Uttlesford survey (closed)
Let us know your views on crime and community safety in Uttlesford.
This consultation is now closed
Thank you to everyone who responded.We are now looking at the feedback which will help us in planning future ways to improve safety in the district.

As part of the Community Safety Partnership we work to help people in Uttlesford feel safe in their homes, in the streets and the places they go. We do this by:
- keeping vulnerable people safe from harm
- reducing crime, re-offending and the fear of crime
- working in partnership to meet emerging local threats and issues
How to have your say
We want to hear your views on how safe you feel when you are out and about, whether there any issues that concern you and what you might change in your area.
The consultation closed at 4:30pm on Friday 29 November 2024.
You can complete the survey online or by post.
Tell us what you think by using our online response form.
Call us and we will send you a paper survey form and reply-paid envelope.
Telephone: 01799 510510
After you have responded
We won't share your views with anyone else; we'll only use them to help us improve safety in the area.