Local residential parking standards
We have adopted the Uttlesford Local Residential Parking Standards as an addition to the Essex Design Guide Parking Standards.
These standards should be used when designing new residential development proposals as they will be used by officers in assessing proposals.
Uttlesford District Council has adopted the Parking Standards Design and Good Practice produced by Essex County Council in partnership with the Essex Planning Officers Association (EPOA).
The standards form a consistent basis for discussion between developers applying for planning permission and the council. The intention is that they are applied throughout Essex.
However, it is recognised within the document that situations may arise where the local economic environment and the availability of alternative means of travel to the private car may lead to parking provision that is more appropriate to local circumstances. This is the case within Uttlesford.
Uttlesford is a primarily rural district with restricted access to public transport. In reality therefore the majority of journeys are by the private car. It is imperative for both good planning and good design that this is recognised in the early planning of new development and sufficient car parking space provision provided. This guide sets out the suggested approach to car parking provision within Uttlesford and explains how this can be achieved without compromising the high quality design required for new developments.
Essex Parking Standards
The adopted parking standards for Use Class C3: Dwelling house.
1 bedroom
Vehicle minimum: 1 space per dwelling**
Cycle minimum: 1 secure covered space per dwelling
PTW* minimum: N/A
Disabled minimum: N/A if parking is in curtilage of dwelling, otherwise as visitor/unallocated
2+ bedroom
Vehicle minimum: 2 spaces per dwelling**
Cycle minimum: 1 space per 8 units (visitors)
PTW* minimum: 2 PTW spaces and 1 space per 2 dwellings for mobility scooters
Disabled minimum: N/A if parking is in curtilage of dwelling, otherwise as visitor/unallocated
Vehicle minimum: 0.25 spaces per dwelling (unallocated) (rounded up to nearest whole number)
Cycle minimum: If no garage of secure area is provided within curtilage of dwelling then 1 covered and secure space per dwelling in a communal area for residents plus 1 space per 8 dwellings for visitors
PTW* minimum: 1 space + 1 per 20 car spaces (for 1st 100 car spaces), then 1 space per 30 car spaces (over 100 car spaces)
Disabled minimum: 200 vehicle bay or less = 3 bays or 6% of total capacity, whichever is greater, Over 200 vehicle bays= 4 bays plus 4% of total capacity
* PTW = Powered Two Wheeler
** Excluding garage if less than 7m x 3m internal dimension
Local Standards
Due to the nature of Uttlesford District in addition to the Essex Parking Standards set out above (and in more detail in the full ) local parking standards have been adopted as material planning considerations and these are set out below.
Use: 4+ bedroom
Vehicle minimum: 3 spaces per dwelling*
* Excluding garage if less than 7m x 3m internal dimension
The Parking Standards Design and Good Practice sets out within the design and layout section examples of good design which enable parking provision to be successfully integrated into residential developments. The council expects that these elements of good design are used to ensure that car parking does not dominate the character and appearance of development.
Uttlesford has a rich built heritage which forms part of the overall character of the district. Its preservation is important and will be considered as part of any application process. In some instances the historic constraints of a site or area will result in the need for compromises to be made. This could lead to a reduced car parking requirement in certain circumstances.
The document sets out parking bay sizes and examples of layout of parking areas.
When planning residential parking, consideration of the type and scale of the development should be taken into account. Safe and secure parking can be achieved where cars can be seen by owners and neighbours. Layouts must accommodate the safe passage of emergency, delivery and refuse collection vehicles.
Parking courts are not generally considered to be appropriate for the rural nature of Uttlesford and "on plot" parking should be the normal approach.
Space for car parking can be provided "on plot", within the curtilage of the dwelling, such as in the form of a garage, car port, cart lodge, parking bay or private drive. Ideally dwellings should be accessed from the front, although side and rear access can be appropriate in some circumstances. Quality urban design dictates that care should be taken that this does not result in streets dominated by parking spaces in front of dwellings, or by building facades with large expanses of garage doors.
The rural nature of Uttlesford requires a different and realistic approach to the general travel method of residents. As a result a higher level of car parking provision is justified and will be sought through negations as part of pre-application and post submission discussions.
February 2013