Consultation and the Community Stakeholder Forum FAQs
How can I influence the Local Plan?
By taking part in the open public consultation. The Council has started its first consultation on the new Local Plan, which will run until spring 2021 and is broken up into a series of themes. All comments we receive will be taken into account when a draft Local Plan is prepared.
Each theme will be launched at a meeting of the Community Stakeholder Forum, with the consultation opening straight afterwards.
Meetings will be live-streamed on Zoom and YouTube, and the recordings will stay on YouTube so people can catch up afterwards.
Why was the Forum created?
To complement the open public consultation by adding a platform for discussion amongst a group of local representatives with varied backgrounds and perspectives.
It is hoped that the Forum's discussions will help generate interest and ideas amongst the wider community, to encourage as many as possible to send us their comments through the public consultation.
How were the Forum members chosen?
Members of the Forum have been selected due to their knowledge and experience of a special interest area. The special interest areas were determined by Council officers and Councillors.
While Forum members are encouraged to liaise with others outside of the meetings, they are not expected to be wholly representative of the wider community. That is why it is important that anyone interested in the Local Plan sends us their comments through the public consultation.
Who are the guest speakers?
The Forum will receive presentations from a wide range of guest speakers, who will play a helpful role in opening out a theme for discussion. Their views are their own, and not necessarily indicative of the Council's future policies, but it is hoped that the presentations will spark ideas and conversations amongst both the Forum and the wider community, leading to the submission of comments through the public consultation.
Each speaker will be paid the same nominal fee, which is unlikely to cover their time but is intended to demonstrate the Council's appreciation.
How can I participate in Forum meetings?
By watching the meeting live on Zoom. Our website lists the meeting dates and a link will appear for each upcoming theme, which you can use to join.
Meetings take place every other Wednesday, starting at 7pm. Viewers can submit questions to the Forum, and a few of the most popular will be answered during the meeting. There may also be the opportunity to take part in live polls.