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Apply for listed building consent

You'll need to apply for permission to work on a listed building

You'll need to apply for listed building consent for any works which would affect the character of a listed building. This includes:

  • demolition
  • alterations (including replacement windows)
  • extensions

The listing covers the whole building inside and out, and may include other buildings and structures within its curtilage (this is the ground or surrounding area).

Pre-application advice on listed buildings

If you need help, you can use our planning pre-application advice service to get advice before you apply for listed building consent. There is a charge for this service.

We've also published some planning application FAQs which include advice on listed buildings.


You can either apply for works to a listed building online via the Planning Portal or by downloading our PDF forms.


Apply for listed building consent using the Planning Portal.

Using our forms

You can also apply by completing and returning a PDF application form to us. You can refer to the guidance note for help filling in the application.

Application for listed building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building (PDF, 719 KB)

Application for listed building consent guidance note (PDF, 77 KB)

There is no fee for submitting a listed building consent application.

However, if you are also applying for planning permission, then a fee would be due for the planning permission element.

With you application

When you apply you will also need to send us:

  • details of what you want to do
  • information telling us why you want to do the work including a supporting statement of significance which is known as a heritage statement
  • a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used in the building
  • certificate of ownership
  • copies of a plan which identifies the land to which the application relates
  • other plans and drawings

Please be aware that your application will be available to the public via our Public Access planning system.


After you've applied

We'll let you know if consent has been given within 8 weeks or 13 weeks for a major development (for example 10 or more dwellings or a building of more than 1,000 square metres).

If the application involves a Grade I or Grade II* listed building, demolition, or is particularly complicated we'll need to consult with Historic England.

If consent is granted

You'll need to carry out all the work as specified in the consent and on the approved plans.

If consent is refused

If consent is refused, you can appeal within 6 months of either:

  • the date of the decision
  • when the decision was due, if you did not get one within 8 weeks (13 weeks for a major development)

There is more information on how to appeal a listed building consent decision on GOV.UK.


Additional information

Making changes to your property guidance on the Historic England website. This provides information on what to consider when altering older buildings, as well as advice on best practice. You can also find out what permission you are likely to need, how works are regulated and where to find specialist help.

► Our guide for listed building owners (PDF, 341 KB) has useful information on what listing means, how to apply for listed building consent and where to find advice.

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