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Documents which make up the Local Plan

Putting together a Local Plan is a lengthy and complex process, and involves the gathering of lots of evidence, analysis, cooperation with other statutory bodies, and consultation.

Together, these documents set out detailed policies and specific proposals for guiding development in the district.

The evidence and background studies inform day-to-day planning applications.

New evidence is being gathered as part of the new Local Plan.

Local Plan Evidence and Background Studies

Adopted Local Plan 2005 and Adopted ('Made') Neighbourhood Plans

Sites suggested and assessed for development 

Community-led Planning- Parish and village plans inform 'action plans' to address the needs of local communities

Local Development Scheme (LDS) - the programme and timetable for preparing the Local Plan

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) -  provide approved planning guidance in the preparation of the Local Plan

► Duty to Cooperate

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