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Housing for New Communities in Uttlesford and Braintree (ARK Consultancy, June 2020)

This study was jointly commissioned by Uttlesford and Braintree District Councils.  The study recommends appropriate housing options and delivery approaches.  The study is based on substantial research and experience and aims to give clear and practical recommendations and case studies.

Housing for New Communities in Uttlesford and Braintree (PDF, 2 MB)


West Essex and East Hertfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (Opinion Research Services, September 2015 and July 2017)

Opinion Research Services (ORS) was jointly commissioned by the local authorities of West Essex (Epping Forest, Harlow and Uttlesford) and East Hertfordshire to undertake a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to identify the functional Housing Market Area and establish the Objectively Assessed Need for housing.

West Essex and East Hertfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Establishing the Full Objectively Assessed Need July 2017 (PDF, 1 MB)

West Essex and East Hertfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment - Affordable Housing Update July 2017 (PDF, 1 MB)

West Essex and East Hertfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment September 2015 (PDF, 9 MB)

The Strategic Housing Market authorities commissioned an interim update to the SHMA based on the CLG 2014 projections.  

Update on Overall Housing Need (based on 2014 Projections) (PDF, 606 KB)


Housing Supply Windfall Allowance (Uttlesford District Council, March 2017)

Housing Supply Windfall Allowance - Consideration of a Windfall Allowance for Uttlesford (PDF, 255 KB)


Housing Strategy 2016-2021 (Uttlesford District Council, 2016)

The Council's Housing Strategy has been written alongside the new Local Plan for the District. The documents show the future housing priorities in the District and how they can be delivered. The targets are challenging in a housing market that is still unpredictable.

Housing Strategy 2016-2021 (PDF, 1 MB)


Economic Viability Study (Pathfinder Consultants and Malins Associates, 2016)

These reports tests the viability of eight New Settlement/Neighbourhood Proposals and seventeen residential allocations in the towns and villages put forward by promoters/developers in the Call for Sites.  In relation to the latter the sites are a sample of deliverable sites in order to test whether similar developments would also be generally deliverable.

Economic Viability Study - New Settlements (PDF, 755 KB)

Economic Viability Study - Towns and Villages (PDF, 648 KB)


East Cambridgeshire Objectively Assessed Housing Need (Cambridgeshire County Council Research Group, January 2016 and October 2016)

Two reports by Cambridgeshire County Council Research Group to support East Cambridgeshire District Council in objectively assessing and evidencing development needs for housing, both market and affordable.

The report East Cambridgeshire Objectively Assessed Housing Need October 2016 provides an updated objectively assessed need (OAN) for housing in East Cambridgeshire for the period 2014 to 2036, which builds on the existing SHMA 2013 evidence base and the January 2016 report, but also takes the opportunity to use any updated other evidence, such as national forecasts and projections, in that process. The October 2016 update follows the release of new household projections and economic forecasts since January 2016.

East Cambridgeshire Objectively Assessed Housing Need October 2016

East Cambridgeshire Objectively Assessed Housing Need January 2016


Housing Trajectory and Five-Year Land Supply (Uttlesford District Council, 2015 - 2022)

The National Planning Policy Framework requires all local planning authorities to identify a supply of specific deliverable sites to provide five years' new housing supply against their requirements, as calculated under national policies. A housing trajectory is used by councils to calculate their 5-year housing land supply (5 YLS) and demonstrate whether anticipated housing delivery will meet or exceed those housing requirements.

Housing Trajectory and Five-Year Land Supply


Sites Viability Assessment (BNP Paribas Real Estate, March 2014)

This report tests the viability of fourteen major proposed developments in Uttlesford District and their ability to meet planning policy requirements of Uttlesford District Council ('the Council'). The study tests the cumulative impact of the Council's requirements, in line with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework ('NPPF') and the Local Housing Delivery Group guidance 'Viability Testing Local Plans: Advice for planning practitioners'.

Sites Viability Assessment (PDF, 1 MB)


Housing Supply as at 31 March 2014 (Uttlesford District Council, 2014)

Housing Supply as at 31 March 2014 (PDF, 304 KB)


Objectively Assessed Housing Need, Technical Assessment (Uttlesford District Council, October 2013)

The Local Plan is required to provide for the Districts objectively assessed housing need. This report looks at the objectively assessed need in the light of Government Advice, more recent demographic information and emerging practice. The conclusion of the report is that the Local Plan should be prepared on the basis of the 2010 based SNPP, and there are no demonstrable reasons why the District should not be able to meet its objectively assessed housing need.

Objectively Assessed Housing Need, Technical Assessment (PDF, 1003 KB)


Affordable Housing Viability Update (Levvel, March 2012)

In March 2012, Uttlesford District Council requested that Levvel undertake an 'update' of the 2010 Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (above) study in order to assess:

  1. How do current market conditions compare with the upside, middle or downside market scenarios assessed in the 2010 study;
  2. Provide commentary on the potential impact on development viability of the introduction of the 2011-2015 Affordable Homes Programme - Framework and the associated changes to Annex B of Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing June 2011;
  3. Provide commentary on the impact of the National Planning Policy Statement published on the 27 March 2012;
  4. Provide commentary on the changes to the definition of zero carbon homes, announced in May 2011 and the associated potential impact upon the likely costs associated with the mandatory requirement for all residential dwellings to achieve Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6 in 2016

This report is the result of that updated assessment.

Affordable Housing Viability Update Report (PDF, 351 KB)


Assessment of Development Opportunity Sites (Carter Jonas, 2012)

An assessment of the proposed Development Opportunity Sites in Saffron Walden, Great Dunmow and Stansted Mountfitchet identified in the council's Report of Representations on Employment and Retail following the consultation on Proposals for a draft Local Plan in June/July 2012.

Assessment of Development Opportunity Sites (PDF, 1 MB)


Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (Levvel, August 2010)

Consultants Levvel were appointed by the London Commuter Belt (East)/M11 Sub Region comprising Brentwood Borough Council, East Hertfordshire District Council, Epping Forest District Council, Harlow Council and Uttlesford District Council to undertake an Affordable Housing Viability Assessment. The purpose of the study is to undertake a strategic assessment of the viability of a range of housing developments that will inform planning policy.

Affordable Housing Viability Final Report (PDF, 4 MB)

Affordable Housing Viability Appendices (PDF, 8 MB)

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