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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

How the LCTS scheme was agreed

Find out how the LCTS scheme was agreed.

From 31 March 2013, the Government ended Council Tax Benefit as part of its Welfare Reform Act and it has been replaced by a new local scheme called Local Council Tax Support (LCTS), which has been designed and run by each council. Government funding allocated to councils for LCTS will fall to below 90% of its previous Council Tax Benefit spend.

Read the Council Tax Benefit Reforms leaflet (PDF) [333KB]

How the 2024/25 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council approved on 2 November 2023 the following in respect of the 2024/25 LCTS Scheme.

The contribution rate is frozen at 12.5%

The council continues to protect Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and Carers on a low income.

How the 2022/23 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council approved on 7 December 2021 the following in respect of the 2022/23 LCTS Scheme.

The 2022/23 LCTS scheme is set on the same basis as the 2021/22 scheme.

The contribution rate is frozen  at 12.5%.

The Council continues to protect Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and Carer's on a low income.

How the 2021/22 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council approved on 8 December 2020 the following in respect of the 2021/22 LCTS Scheme.

The 2021/22 LCTS scheme is set on the same basis as the 2020/21 scheme.

The contribution rate is frozen  at 12.5%.

The Council continues to protect Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and Carer's on a low income.

How the 2020/21 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council approved on 16 December 2020 the following in respect of the 2020/21 LCTS Scheme.

The 2020/21 LCTS scheme is set on the same basis as the 2019/20 scheme.

The contribution rate is frozen  at 12.5%.

The Council continues to protect Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and Carer's on a low income.

How the 2019/20 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council approved on 4 December 2018 the following in respect of the 2019/20 LCTS Scheme.

The 2019/20 LCTS scheme is set on the same basis as the 2018/19 scheme.

The Council continues to protect Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and Carer's on a low income

The premium applied to properties empty for a period of more than 2 years is increased from 50% to 100%

How the 2018/19 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council approved on 7 December 2017 the following in respect of the 2018/19 LCTS Scheme.

Contribution rate to remain at 12.5%

Continuation of protection for pensioners and vulnerable people

100% Removal of the discretionary grant to Town and Parish Councils

How the 2017/18 scheme was agreed

To align with Housing Benefits reforms, Uttlesford District Council approved on 8 December 2016 the following alignments to the 2017/18 LCTS Scheme.

a) The removal of the family premium for all new working age claimants,

b) The reduction of backdating of a claim to 1 month,

c) The removal of the element of the work related activity component for new employment and support allowance applicants,

d) The reduction of absence from Great Britain from 13 weeks to 4 weeks whilst still being able to claim LCTS.

Uttlesford District Council chose not to align with the limitations of two children being included within calculations and the removal of the severe disability premiums.

How the 2016/17 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council resolved on 10 December 2015 that no adjustments would be made to the 2015/16 LCTS Scheme. The policy was approved on 19 March 2015.


How the 2015/16 scheme was agreed

Uttlesford District Council resolved on 17 September 2014 that no adjustments would be made to the 2015/16 LCTS Scheme. The policy was approved on 19 March 2015.

How the 2014/15 scheme was agreed

Following consultation Uttlesford District Council changed its proposals which were considered at the Full Council at the meeting on 10 December 2013

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