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The council's Equality Objectives

As part of the Equality Duty, we have compiled and published a wide variety of equality related data.

Uttlesford District Council's Equality Objectives were first published on 31 January 2012. The Equality Information and the Equality Duty has been updated for 2017.

The Public Sector Equality Duty is made up of a general equality duty which is supported by specific duties. Under the terms of the specific duty, the Council must:

  • Prepare and publish one or more objectives that will support the council in meeting the requirements of the general Equality Duty
  • Ensure that those objectives are specific and measurable
  • Publish those objectives in such a manner that they are accessible to the public

Reviewing the consultation responses to the Single Equality Duty, the aims of the Corporate Plan and the themes of the Local Strategic Partnership we have identified two objectives.

The Equality Objectives

a. To develop an improved level of understanding of Uttlesford's community and its needs through data gathering, research and community mapping

  • Specific Action. Create an Equalities monitoring system that ensures equalities is included in customer service questionnaires and service user surveys, building on the information accessed from the Census and engaging with our community to inform them as to why this information is required.

b. To continue to work to improve access to and take-up of Council Services by developing engagement across all the protected equality groups.

  • Specific Action. Continue to support and organise events and projects that promote and celebrate equalities such as the Tenant Forum, Citizens Panel, Disability Forum, Ageing Well Forum, International Day for Older People, LGBT History month, Disability History Month, Community Partnership work around Age, Community Safety, Domestic violence, Hate Crime

The council will be engaging with members of the public, voluntary organisations, staff and Trade Unions to demonstrate that their earlier input has informed our objectives, particularly in a community that we recognise is changing.

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