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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Community, Safety and Health Privacy Notices

These privacy notices explain how Uttlesford District Council, (as a Data Controller) collects, uses and protects personal data that we hold.

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Privacy notice

This privacy notice explains how Uttlesford District Council, (as a Data Controller) collects, uses and protects personal data that we hold.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Information on the Local Government Association website about the rules relating to how we collect and process personal data.


Communities, Health and Wellbeing Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information and personal data about you the council may need to collect to deliver our services effectively.

Leisure and Performance Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to process wedding facility bookings, grant funding applications or use of Day Centre facilities.

Refugee offers of help Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information and personal data about you the council may need to collect when you make an offer of help for refugees in our area

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