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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

How we consult with you

We use a wide variety of methods for communication and consulting with you.

A consultation is a formal process where we ask for your views to help us make a decision on a specific topic. We'll then consider what you've told us and use this, along with other information, to make a decision. You can have a say on how we set our budgets, the developer of the district and how we manage the housing we own.

How we consult you

By combining different methods of consultation we can target the groups most affected by any issues raised and also ensure that the views of all diverse groups within the population are taken into account.

We engage with you through:

You can also respond to formal consultations on:

Improving how we consult

In future we will use more digital methods to consult with you. We will make it as easy as possible for you to contribute your views, and we will try harder to use clear language and plain English in consultation documents.

All the consultation that we carry out conforms to the guidelines that we have laid out in our Corporate Consultation Strategy.


Additional information

Find out about how to have your say at council meetings

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