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Cost of living support

Advice and support to help manage the rising cost of living.

Garden waste bin

How to set up a regular collection of compost or waste from your garden and when those collections take place.

Garden waste service subscriptions

New subscribers

The service is open for new subscribers.

Existing subscribers

If you have a subscription for our garden waste service it should expire on 31 May. But this year we will be extending it by 4 weeks to the end of June to make up for the collections that were missed because of the recent disruptions to the service.

We'll include full details in the annual renewal letter that we will be sending you shortly. The letter will also include details of how to sign up for the service next year.


About garden waste bins

All about our garden waste bin collection service, including how much it costs, how you can apply and when to expect a collection

Sign up for the garden waste collection service

Set up regular garden waste collections, renew your subscription to the service and how to order a new or replacement garden waste bin

Garden waste bin collection days

Check when your garden waste bin will be collected

Garden waste bin - what we collect

Check what you can put into your garden waste bin

Garden waste bin - what we cannot collect

Check what you can't put into your garden waste bin

Moving house - garden waste collections

What to do about your garden waste collections when you move house