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Ensuring Robust Employment Evidence for the Uttlesford Local Plan (Hardisty Jones Associates, September 2018)

This report was commissioned by UDC to inform the new Local Plan.  It critically reviews the Regulation 19 Local Plan and provides an indicative forecast of the amount of employment land to be included within the three proposed Garden Communities.

Ensuring Robust Employment Evidence for the Uttlesford Local Plan [2MB]


West Essex and East Hertfordshire Assessment of Employment Needs (Hardisty Jones Associates, October 2017)

Hardisty Jones Associates Ltd (HJA) was appointed by Epping Forest District Council (EFDC), East Herts Council (EHC), Uttlesford District Council (UDC) and Harlow Council (HC) to provide an assessment of employment needs for the functional economic market area (FEMA) with the intention of informing future planning for strategic employment matters across the area. 

West Essex and East Hertfordshire Assessment of Employment Needs (PDF, 2 MB)

Property Delivery Advice (Uttlesford BE Group June 2016)

BE Group were commissioned to provide the Council with a series of strategies to bring forward commercial development in the District in the near term.  It follows from the Commercial Workspace Study (2015).

Property Delivery Advice (Uttlesford BE Group June 2016) (PDF, 417 KB)

Economic Evidence to Support the Development of the OAHN for West Essex and East Herts (Hardisty Jones Associates, September 2015)

Hardisty Jones Associates (HJA) was commissioned to provide economic evidence that will be used to help calculate the Objectively Assessed Housing Need (OHAN) within the West Essex and East Hertfordshire Strategic Housing market Assessment.

Economic Evidence to Support the Development of the OAHN for West Essex and East Herts Final Report (PDF, 3 MB)

Uttlesford East of England Forecasting Model (EEFM) Stansted Scenarios Workbook (PDF, 140 KB)

Uttlesford East of England Forecasting Model (EEFM) Stansted Scenarios Briefing Paper (PDF, 92 KB)


Commercial Workspace Study (BE Group, June 2015)

This Commercial Workspace Study has been prepared for Uttlesford District Council to provide insight into the supply and demand for commercial workspace in Uttlesford over the next five years.

Commercial Workspace Study (BE Group, June 2015) (PDF, 1 MB)


East of England Forecasting Model Economic Forecasts (Oxford Economics, January 2015)

The East of England Forecasting Model (EEFM) was developed by Oxford Economics to project economic, demographic and housing trends in a consistent fashion. The EEFM 2014 baseline report provides more information about the macroeconomic context and scenario assumptions whilst the EEFM 2014 technical report gives detail on the methodology and data sources.

East of England Forecasting Model Economic Forecasts (EEFM) baseline report (PDF, 2 MB)

East of England Forecasting Model Economic Forecasts (EEFM) technical report (PDF, 2 MB)


Employment Land Monitoring (UDC, October 2014)

This report looks at the availability of Employment Land within the District in terms of allocated land and land with planning permission for employment uses.

Employment Land Monitoring 2014 (PDF, 370 KB)


Assessment of Land North East of Bury Lodge Lane (Carter Jonas, November 2012)

This study was commissioned to assess the potential impact of development on the land north east of Bury Lodge Lane on Bishops Stortford.

Carter Jonas Assessment Of Land North Of Bury Lodge Lane (PDF, 2 MB)


Employment Land Review (UDC, 2011)

This study was commissioned to identify the need for land and premises for employment purposes in Uttlesford District. It considers factories, warehouses and offices together with other similar uses and makes recommendations accordingly.

Employment Land Review: Report (PDF, 5 MB)

Employment Land Review: Appendices (PDF, 5 MB)

Employment Land Review Update (Aecom, July 2016)

Uttlesford District Council (UDC) commissioned AECOM Infrastructure and Environment UK Ltd (AECOM) to undertake an update to the previous Employment Land Review (ELR) for the District. This ELR update assesses the quantity and quality of the District's employment land and forecasts future land and floorspace requirements.

Employment Land Review Update - 2016 (Aecom) (PDF, 2 MB)

Employment Land Review Update (Aecom, May 2017)

This work provides evidence-based analysis and guidance for employment land policy in preparation of the new Local Plan and provides an understanding of the potential requirements for employment land and premises to support economic growth across the District.

Employment Land Review Update (Aecom, May 2017) (PDF, 3 MB)


Employer and Business Survey (CN Research, 2009)

The results of a questionnaire commissioned by the Uttlesford Strategic Partnership to establish the business needs of small and medium size enterprise within Uttlesford District.

Employer and Business Survey (PDF, 2 MB)


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