Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan
The Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan was formally made by the Council on 21 February 2019.

The Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Thaxted Parish and town. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
The Parish of Thaxted is located in the middle of the Uttlesford District and is home to some 2,845 people. It is a uniquely situated town with a wide range of historic and modern buildings including the fifteenth century Guildhall.
Plan review
A review of the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan is being undertaken.
The made plan
The Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 2 MB) was made on 21 February 2019.
Key dates
Neighbourhood Area designated Uttlesford District Council (UDC): 10 December 2015
Pre-submission Public Consultation (Regulation 14): 8 January 2018 - 28 February 2018
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Submitted to Uttlesford District Council: 20 April 2018
Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16): 4 May 2018 - 19 June 2018
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan sent for examination: 10 July 2018
Examiner appointed: 3 July 2018
Scheduled examination commencement date of Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan: 13 August 2018
Referendum: 24 January 2019
Neighbourhood Plan Made: 21 February 2019
Designated neighbourhood plan area
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB)
The Parish of Thaxted was designated as the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Area by Uttlesford District Council on 10 December 2015.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination Statement (under Regulation 9 and 11 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes 2004)
Uttlesford District Council determined that the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have significant environmental effects and accordingly an environmental assessment is not required in respect of the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan.
Pre-Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 14)
Thaxted Parish Council undertook consultation under Regulation 14 on its Pre-submission Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan between 8 January 2018 - 28 February 2018.
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Submission (PDF, 3 MB)
Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16)
Thaxted Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Uttlesford District Council on 20 April 2018, along with its supporting documents. Uttlesford District Council has confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan complies with all the relevant statutory requirements.
Comments made during submission consultation are available to view collectively as representations on the submission version of the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan.
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan – Submission Consultation Responses (PDF, 6 MB)
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft 12 (PDF, 5 MB)
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 265 KB)
Housing Needs Survey, Thaxted (PDF, 1 MB)
Assessment of Sites for Potential Development in Thaxted (PDF, 510 KB)
Central Area Assessment - a Comprehensive Review of Thaxted's Built Environment (PDF, 5 MB)
Heritage Assessment relating to the emerging Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 4 MB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted (PDF, 549 KB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix A Figures 1-3 (PDF, 5 MB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix A Figures 4-5 (PDF, 4 MB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix A Figure 6 (PDF, 559 KB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix A Figure 7 (PDF, 387 KB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix A Figures 8-9 (PDF, 3 MB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix A Figure 10 (PDF, 1 MB)
Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted Appendix B Proformas (PDF, 2 MB)
Wild Thaxted Bioblitz - Chalky Meadow behind Guelphs Lane and The Mead (PDF, 2 MB)
Examination (Regulation 17)
The Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the Examiner for examination starting on 13 August 2018.
The Independent Examiner, Tony Burton, has recommended that the modified Plan should proceed to Referendum and that this should be held within the Neighbourhood Area.
Examination documents
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 955 KB)
Decision statement
Following an independent Examination, Uttlesford District Council recommended that the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum.
Decision statement regarding Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan proceeding to referendum (PDF, 600 KB)
A referendum took place on Thursday 24 January 2019 to decide whether the Neighbourhood Plan for Thaxted should be used to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.
Result of the referendum
In response to the question, "Do you want Uttlesford District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Thaxted to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?", the votes were:
Yes: 861
No: 35
Spoilt papers: 1
The total votes cast were 897. The turnout was just over 35%.
You can find out more on the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan referendum page.
Making of the plan
At Council on 21 February 2019 the Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan was formally made (the Neighbourhood Plan legislation's term for adopted) by the District Council as part of the Statutory development plan. The Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan now sits alongside the Uttlesford Local Plan Adopted 2005. Should planning permission be sought in areas covered by the adopted neighbourhood plan, the application must be determined in accordance with both the neighbourhood plan and the Local Plan.
Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan: Final Decision Statement (PDF, 160 KB)
Planning Policy
Uttlesford District Council
London Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 4ER
Tel. 01799 510518
Additional information