Environmental Health Privacy Notices
These privacy notices explain how Uttlesford District Council, (as a Data Controller) collects, uses and protects personal data that we hold.
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This privacy notice explains how Uttlesford District Council, (as a Data Controller) collects, uses and protects personal data that we hold.
Information on the Local Government Association website about the rules relating to how we collect and process personal data.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to investigate your complaint and/or resolve your service request.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to process your enquiry or appeal, register your food business or investigate your complaint.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to enable the council's Environmental Health Enforcement & Licensing Enforcement Service to respond to your request.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to process your application for a licence relating to the activity notified.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to enable the council to operate the Animal Service.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to meet its statutory duties under the Health and Safety legislation e.g. to effectively investigate your complaint or respond to your enquiry.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to effectively coordinate or support its response in the event of an Emergency e.g. personal contact details.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to investigate your complaint or process your grant application(s).
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on how the council will manage the information you provide about private water supplies.
This privacy notice is provided for clarification on what information the council needs in order to process your application for a taxi licence relating to the activity notified.