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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Putting residents first

We will deliver excellent services for the benefit of our residents by ensuring budgetary stability and value for money, embracing new technology and developing our workforce.

Corporate Plan - PUTTING



Ensure financial stability

What we will do

How we will do it

How we will measure it

Deliver a balanced budget every year


Review services through a structured programme to ensure efficiency and value for money


Prioritise money towards the areas of greatest need and impact


The required budget savings over the next four years will be delivered through the Blueprint Uttlesford programme, through which every council service is being reviewed. Savings will come from a combination of increased income and budget reductions


The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2024 to 2029 demonstrates a need to reduce the net the General Fund budget by £5.5 million, once year 1 Blueprint Uttlesford savings are taken into account

A separate workstream of benefit realisation and cost control has been established and will be led by the Director of Finance and Revenues and Benefits. This will ensure financial changes are logged and maintained


The financial position of the council is reported on a regular basis to Cabinet and annually the budget and MTFS are approved by Full Council

July 2024 priority update

The council is undertaking a review of revenues and benefits to identify opportunities for transformation (and cost savings). It is expected to report in September. Similar reviews are underway in Environmental Services and Museum Services. The council also managed to repay a £35.4m private loan at a £10.2m discount. This loan was taken out in light of the Chesterford Park Investment and will average £0.7m in annual savings over the life of the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

It is amber rated as a significant portion of the savings relates to the sale of the council's 50 per cent share of Chesterford Research Park and that is not a certainty. Equally, reviews need to lead to concrete plans with clearly identified and approved savings. Until the majority of the reviews have reached that stage, it would be difficult to declare this position as green.


Use commercial assets to fund services

What we will doHow we will do itHow we will measure it

Manage the commercial asset portfolio to maximise income for the council to be used on services for residents


Review the portfolio to ensure it represents best value for the council

The commercial asset portfolio generates income to support the council's services. Regular reviews will continue to be undertaken to ensure it still provides the best value

The CIPFA Prudential Code requires an annual report on commercial investments and option appraisals. This report will be presented to the Investment Board and as necessary to Cabinet and Council

July 2024 priority update

The annual review takes place in Q3 of the financial year and reported in Q4. In the meantime, markets are monitored and portfolio performance reported quarterly to the Investment Board.


Enhance digital access and innovation across council services

What we will doHow we will do itHow we will measure it

Consider emerging technology, such as AI, when redesigning services


Through the Blueprint Uttlesford programme, service reviews will include consideration of the best way to deploy value for money technology to ensure we can continue to deliver the services on which our residents rely



Through the ICT Business Plan, we are beginning to make use of robotics and artificial intelligence to streamline routine tasks and processes

Each Blueprint Uttlesford review has a set review methodology and template. Through this it will be possible to demonstrate how technology has been used to maintain or enhance service delivery. The Blueprint Uttlesford programme will last for 4 years

Review our online services to ensure they are helping residents do what they need to do, within the council's financial constraints

We will implement enhanced technology including the use of AI to improve customer service

Procure and implement AI systems through the Blueprint Uttlesford transformation programme, considering service requirements during each review., This programme runs until the end of 2027/28

July 2024 priority update

A bot is currently live and working within the council's asset management system, dealing with all initial enquiries. This is a trial period with evaluation due to take place at the end of 2024.

A second bot trial will be put live in Customer Services within the next 6 months, following the current design and testing stage. This will automatically identify and filter some common enquiries in order to speed up the response given to residents.

In addition, the council has established an officer group to explore further options for AI technology.


Further develop a skilled, motivated and diverse workforce

What we will doHow we will do itHow we will measure it

Review our recruitment, onboarding, induction and retention processes to ensure we attract and retain a workforce that is representative of our community. Promote an inclusive workplace to help us recruit the best people in line with our values and behaviours


Ensure our learning and development offer is accessible to all, affordable, efficiently delivered and aligned to emerging developmental priorities

We will monitor progress against the activities set out in the Workforce Action Plan and will use self and external assessments to measure success such as Disability Confident (on GOV.UK) and Armed Forces accreditation, an increased number of candidates for jobs, a reduction in staff turnover rates, targeted training for our priority areas and improved compliance with mandatory training


This priority will be delivered through the Workforce Plan and Action Plan 2023-2027, which will be regularly reviewed and updated according to corporate priorities and engagement with staff


July 2024 priority update

The Workforce Plan and Workforce action plan were launched in October 2023. Following staff workshops, reviewing the council's appraisal scheme was identified as a priority and a new process was launched on the 1 April 2024.

We are currently developing a new 'Starters and Leavers' onboarding and offboarding computerised system.

We will be launching an Agency Worker framework in July 2024 (piloting in Environmental Services), partnering with Essex County Council. This framework brings together recruitment agencies into one place, operating at pre-negotiated and set rates and provides a full overview of the agency workforce, including spend.

We have been working with the LGA on a national recruitment campaign to take place in the autumn, and on career pathways to attract candidates to our hard to recruit roles such as Planning Officers.

We are working towards our Armed Forces 'Gold' accreditation in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (on GOV.UK) and council staff recently used their volunteer days to support our Armed Forces at Carver Barracks with a clean-up of their children's playground.


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