Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Area and Forum consultation
The parish of Lindsell has been designated as a Neighbourhood Plan Development Area.
On 11 January 2024 Uttlesford District Council approved the application to designate a Neighbourhood Development Plan Area in Lindsell Parish area under Section 61G of the Town and County Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and designate a Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Forum.
Appendix 1 Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Area (PDF) [426 KB]
Appendix 2 Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Forum Constitution (PDF) [3 MB]
Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Area and Forum consultation
A local community group within Uttlesford applied to establish a Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum for the parish of Lindsell.
We were required to run a public consultation on this proposal.
What was being proposed
Lindsell Parish Meeting submitted 2 applications to us to designate:
- Lindsell Parish as a Neighbourhood Development Plan Area
- a Neighbourhood Forum for Lindsell
Now they are approved, the Neighbourhood Forum will be able to start work on a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the area.
We ran a consultation to seek the views of local people on the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan Area and Forum.
The consultation ran from Monday 6 November to Sunday 17 December 2023.
Consultation documents
- Application for the Lindsell Parish Development Plan Area and Neighbourhood Forum (PDF, 3 MB)
- Proposed Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan area (map) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Area and Forum notice of consultation (PDF, 216 KB)
- Proposed Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Forum Constitution (PDF, 2 MB)
Consultation results and report
We considered all of the comments received during the consultation . We then decided on whether to designate the Neighbourhood Development Plan Area and whether to designate a Neighbourhood Forum for Lindsell.
The designation report for the Lindsell Neighbourhood Parish Area and Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Forum (PDF) [128KB] includes:
- recommendations for approval of the applications and designation of the Neighbourhood Plan Area and Neighbourhood Forum for Lindsell
- recommendation that the Lindsell Parish Neighbourhood Forum constitution be formally adopted
- details of the consultation
- representations received during the consultation
- officer responses to those representations
Further information
More information about neighbourhood planning and neighbourhood forums.
About neighbourhood planning
Neighbourhood planning gives local people who live, work, or elected representatives in an area the right to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan, setting out a vision for future development in the area.
Find out about neighbourhood plans in Uttlesford.
About neighbourhood forums
A Neighbourhood Forum is an organisation authorised by the Local Planning Authority to lead the neighbourhood planning process when there is no town or parish council. A group or organisation must apply to the Local Planning Authority to be officially recognised as a Neighbourhood Forum. This is what we are now consulting on.
If an application to create a Neighbourhood Forum is successful and the forum is officially recognised, no other organisation can create a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the same area.
Members of a Forum must meet the conditions set out in Section 61F(5) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. This includes outlining the purpose of the Forum, that as a minimum, there are 21 individuals in the Forum; and that steps have been taken to have members from different places within the Neighbourhood Area and from different sections of the community in that area.
About neighbourhood development plan areas
A Neighbourhood Area is an area recognised by the Local Planning Authority within which Neighbourhood Plan policies apply.
The boundaries of a Neighbourhood Area could be physical boundaries like a road or river, or a catchment area for the local shops. An application must be made to officially recognise the Neighbourhood Plan Area, this is what we are now consulting on.
About neighbourhood development plans
A Neighbourhood Development Plan does not mean development will happen - that depends on landowners and developers.
Once a Neighbourhood Development Plan passes independent examination and referendum, it sits alongside other planning policy like the Local Plan to guide development and help decide the outcome of planning applications in the area.