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The Draft Local Plan

Here you will find the Draft Local Plan for consultation, broken down into easy to read chapters. 

Chapter 1: Introduction

Uttlesford District Council has started the process of developing a new local plan for the district, which will replace the existing Adopted Local Plan 2005. The Local Plan is at the heart of the planning system, putting forward the Spatial Vision and Strategic Objectives for addressing climate change and setting out the Council's Spatial Strategy for meeting future development needs, including proposed site allocations, design principles and development management policies by which planning applications will be judged.

Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF) [3MB]

Chapter 2: Spatial Portrait

This chapter provides an overview of the policy context that has informed the preparation of The Plan and summarises some of the key challenges and opportunities The Plan needs to help address. These inform the Spatial Vision and Strategic Objectives set out in Chapter 3 and in turn the remainder of The Plan.

Chapter 2 - Spatial Portrait (PDF) [7MB]

Chapter 3: Vision and Strategic Objectives

Our Spatial Vision describes the future we are seeking to create for Uttlesford by 2041. It provides a clear vision for the district's future and is both ambitious, yet achievable to help us deliver good growth, support sustainable development, address the challenge of climate change, protect the environment, respect the district's heritage, whilst also supporting local communities and businesses.

Chapter 3 - Spatial Vision and Strategic Objectives (PDF) [2MB]

Chapter 4: Spatial Strategy

Implementing the Spatial Vision for Uttlesford District up to 2041, as shown by Chapter 3, will be through our Spatial Strategy that informs decision making about the location and nature of future development in our district. The Spatial Strategy identifies the appropriate level of housing to plan for, the amount of employment land to meet our needs in order to maintain and develop our local economy and to provide a range of services, as well as the facilities and infrastructure we need. It also ensures we address the challenges of climate change, support biodiversity net gain, achieve sustainable development and to protect the environment.

Chapter 4 - Spatial Strategy (PDF) [9MB]

​Chapter 5: North Area Strategy

This chapter focuses on the Key Settlement of Saffron Walden and the Local Rural Centres of Great Chesterford and Newport. These are the largest settlements in the northern part of Uttlesford and together form the North Uttlesford Area Strategy. This strategy helps to provide a spatial dimension to The Local Plan and make it easier for readers interested in particular parts of the district to understand what is being proposed. All three settlements are located on or adjacent to the M11 corridor that runs north-south through the western edge of Uttlesford, and the valley of the River Cam. The area also contains a number of smaller villages (such as Littlebury and Wendens Ambo) although our policies affecting the more rural areas are set out in Chapter 8: Rural Area Strategy.

Chapter 5 - North Uttlesford Area Strategy (PDF) [8MB]

Chapter 6: South Area Strategy

The South Area Strategy covers the corridor that extends east to west from Stansted Mountfitchet to Great Dunmow and includes the settlement of Takeley. It is a strategically important employment and transport corridor, largely following the A120, and contains a variety of land uses, landscapes, biodiversity and heritage assets. Its role as a transport corridor is focused on the A120 that links Stansted Airport and the M11 at Junction 8 to Braintree and beyond.

Chapter 6 - South Uttlesford Area Strategy (PDF) [10MB]

Chapter 7: Thaxted Area Strategy

Thaxted is situated within the eastern extent of the district and is unique in that, unlike all other Key Settlements and Local Rural Centres, it does not lie along either the M11 or A120 corridors. Instead, Thaxted's location, scale, and extent of facilities serves to support the comparatively rural surrounding settlements. It is proposed that a modest amount of growth is delivered within Thaxted across The Local Plan period, to ensure that the vitality of the settlement and local community it supports is maintained, whilst also contributing to some infrastructure improvements.

Chapter 7 - Thaxted Area Strategy (PDF) [5MB]

Chapter 8: Rural Area Strategy

This chapter sets out our strategy for non-strategic development at the Larger Villages along with providing any Development Management Policies that apply only to the rural areas.

Chapter 8 - Rural Area Strategy (PDF) [7MB]

Chapter 9: Climate Change, Transport and the Environment

This chapter provides policies in relation to Climate, Environment and Transport to conserve and enhance the environment in The Plan area, and to meet the challenges of the climate emergency. Uttlesford contains a rich network of biodiversity, landscapes and habitats. These include formally designated areas of high value such as Hatfield Forest and chalk streams, as well as areas that are of importance to wildlife and local people. The Local Plan sets out how development can contribute to protecting and enhancing the environment, including through the requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain, and by avoiding harm.

Chapter 9 - Climate Change, Transport and the Environment (PDF) [32MB]

Chapter 10: Economy and Retail

This chapter sets out the more detailed policies that will be used to determine planning applications relating to the economy and for retail. It is important that we protect existing employment sites to help ensure that an appropriate level of employment provision is provided across the district.

Chapter 10 - Economy and Retail (PDF) [9MB]

Chapter 11: Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities 

Achieving healthy and sustainable communities means ensuring that existing and future Uttlesford residents are served by the homes and facilities which meet their needs, promote healthy choices and social cohesion. The design of new places can substantially contribute to this goal by delivering the necessary services and facilities. Developments which secure an appropriate mix of housing types, encourage residents to walk and cycle, and facilitate opportunities for social interactions will provide the framework for future residents to form successful new communities. The Local Plan will ensure that these foundations are delivered as part of new developments within Uttlesford.

Chapter 11 - Building healthy and Sustainable Communities (PDF) [19MB]

Chapter 12: Monitoring and Implementation

This chapter provides an overview of how the council will monitor and implement the strategy set out within this Local Plan 2041 including its Strategic Vision and policies. Monitoring allows us to understand whether The Plan policies are working as intended and if they are effective. Monitoring The Plan is critical in ensuring the successful delivery of The Plan and to shape the development of any future Development Plans for the District.

Chapter 12 - Monitoring and Implementation (PDF) [1MB]


Reg 18 Local Plan Appendices 31.10.23 (PDF) [11MB]

Site Development Templates

Reg 18 Site Development Templates 30.10.23 (PDF) [9MB]


A full  copy of the Draft Local Plan (PDF) [104MB] is also available to view and download. *please note that this is a low resolution edition of the document to enable downloads.  Please view the chapters above should you require a clearer resolution document.

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