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Cost of living support

Financial advice and emotional support on how you can ease the cost of living squeeze.

Get permission to make improvements to your council home

Find out what improvements you do and don't need to get permission for, and apply for permission to make an improvement.

You're responsible for decorating and small repair jobs to the inside of your council home. 

But you will need to get permission from our Housing Team before you make any major alterations or improvements.

Things you'll need to get permission for

You'll need to get permission if you want to remove:

  • walls
  • floors
  • heating fittings
  • fences,
  • hedges
  • trees
  • doors
  • electrical fittings
  • fireplaces and fires
  • outhouses
  • larders

You'll need to get permission if you want to install:

  • electrical sockets and fittings
  • kitchen units and vents
  • bathroom fixtures
  • electric showers
  • hard-standings and dropped kerbs
  • replacement windows and doors
  • fireplaces and fires
  • TV aerials or satellite dishes
  • extensions
  • outside taps

All electrical and gas works must be carried out by a professional trades person.

Leaseholders should be aware that they require the Housing Team's consent for any structural alterations or alterations to the appearance of their property, such as replacement windows, front doors etc.

Check with our Housing Team to find out if the alteration your want to make is something we'll allow.

Improvements you don't need permission for

You don't need to ask for permission to make small alterations or improvements. These include:

  • internal decorations, painting your front door
  • putting up shelves or curtain rails
  • hanging wall cabinets
  • installing draft excluders

You can find a full list of the things you are responsible for repairing in your Conditions of Tenancy (PDF, 548 KB).

Get permission to make your improvements

Apply to the Housing Team if you need permission and it's an improvement we allow.

Complete a  permission request form (PDF, 209 KB).

If your rent account is in arrears you will need to get your payments up to date before we will consider your request for improvements or alterations.

If you have already carried out works

If you have already carried out the work without getting permission you can apply for retrospective consent.

Other permissions you may need

You may also have to apply for building regulations and planning permission depending on what you want to install.

Authorisation from these departments does not mean that you have permission from the Housing Team.


What happens next

We'll look at your application and get back to you within 10 working days.

When you leave the property

Even if you are given written permission to carry out work, when you end your tenancy you may still be asked to return the property to its original state at your own cost, depending on the type of work you carried out.

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