Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan
The Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan was formally made by the Council on 2 February 2023.

Great and Little Chesterford are located in the north of the Uttlesford District and are home to more than 3,000 people. It is a uniquely situated area with a wide range of historic and modern buildings and including the important archaeological site of a a Romano-British civil settlement at Great Chesterford.
The made plan
The Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 17 MB) was made on 2 February 2023.
Key dates
Neighbourhood Area designated Uttlesford District Council (UDC): 18 June 2015
Pre-submission public consultation (Regulation 14): 29 March - 10 May 2021
Examiner appointed: 6 September 2021
Submission public consultation (Regulation 16): 14 April - 30 May 2022
Examination (Regulation 17): Commencing summer 2022
Referendum: 8 December 2022
Plan made: 2 February 2023
Designated neighbourhood plan area
The Chesterfords Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB)
The Parishes of Great and Little Chesterford were designated as the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Area by Uttlesford District Council on 18 June 2015.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination Statement (under Regulation 9 and 11 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes 2004)
Uttlesford District Council has determined that the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have significant environmental effects and accordingly an environmental assessment is not required in respect of the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan.
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination Statement (May 2021) (PDF, 1 MB)
Pre-submission consultation (Regulation 14)
Great Chesterford Parish Council ran a consultation on their Regulation 14 Pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan. This was open from 29 March 2021 until 5.00pm on 10 May 2021.
The Pre-submission (Regulation 14) draft plan and the evidence base documents can be found on the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan website.
Submission public consultation (Regulation 16)
Great Chesterford Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Uttlesford District Council on 31March 2022. Uttlesford District Council confirmed on 7 April 2022 that the Neighbourhood Plan submission complies with all the relevant requirements.
Uttlesford District Council ran a consultation on the submission version of the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan from 14 April to 30 May 2022.
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan submission documents
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan submission letter (PDF, 427 KB)
Great and Little Chesterford Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Draft (PDF, 17 MB)
Map of the extent of the parishes (Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area) (PDF, 1 MB)
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 842 KB)
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 7 MB)
Consultation responses to the Pre-submission (Regulation 14) Consultation Plan on the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan website
Great and Little Chesterford Housing Land Assessment (PDF, 1 MB)
Great and Little Chesterford Housing Site Selection (PDF, 907 KB)
Great and Little Chesterford Important Views Designation Report (PDF, 5 MB)
Great Chesterford Parish Council and Little Chesterford Parish Council joint statement (PDF, 465 KB)
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Local Green Spaces Designation Report (PDF, 2 MB)
Great Chesterford Conservation Area Appraisal (2007) (PDF, 6 MB)
Great Chesterford Village Plan (2015) (PDF, 2 MB)
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Historic Environment Assessment (PDF, 5 MB)
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Character Assessment (PDF, 16 MB)
Little Chesterford village survey (2016) (PDF, 709 KB)
Uttlesford Local Plan adopted policies and supporting text (2005) (PDF, 766 KB)
Examination (Regulation 17)
An Independent Examiner has been appointed for the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan.
Name of examiner: Tony Burton CBE BA MPhil (Town Planning) Hon FRIBA FRSA
Date of appointment: 6 September 2021
Examination documents
Request for clarification from the Examiner on the submitted Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 156 KB) (received 24.06.22)
Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan health check (January 2022) (PDF, 355 KB)
Examiner's report on the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2033 (PDF, 600 KB) (received 02.08.22)
Decision statement
Following an independent Examination, Uttlesford District Council recommended that the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum.
In response to the question, "Do you want Uttlesford District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Great and Little Chesterford to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?", the votes were:
Yes: 317
No: 16
The turnout was 22.2% from 1,497 registered electors.
Find detailed results from the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Referendum including specified documents and legal notices relating to the poll.
Read the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (PDF, 17 MB).
Making of the plan
At Council on 2 February 2023 the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 17 MB) was formally made (the Neighbourhood Plan legislation's term for adopted) by the District Council as part of the Statutory development plan.
The Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan now sits alongside the Uttlesford Local Plan Adopted 2005. Should planning permission be sought in areas covered by the adopted neighbourhood plan, the application must be determined in accordance with both the neighbourhood plan and the Local Plan.
Decision to make the Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 593 KB)
Additional information
► Overview of Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan
► Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan presentation
► Great Chesterford Parish Council