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Key documents for the Stansted Airport application

You can view key documents for the planning application online, or at our offices.

View the application online

Our Public Access system for planning provides is an easy way to find out about how the Stansted Airport planning application is progressing. You will need to search Public Access using the application reference UTT/18/0460/FUL

View the planning application

The application is made up of a substantial number of documents, many of which are quite large. We are also expecting a lot of interest which may mean that the application page on our Public Access system or some of the documents are slow to open. The main documents and information relating to the application is available below to help you.

Key documents

The main documents that make up the application are available below. All submitted documents and any comments made in response to the application can be seen on our Public Access system for planning.

Description of the proposal

Reference: UTT/18/0460/FUL. Airfield works comprising two new taxiway links to the existing runway (a Rapid Access Taxiway and a Rapid Exit Taxiway), six additional remote aircraft stands adjacent Yankee taxiway); and three additional aircraft stands (extension of the Echo Apron) to enable combined airfield operations of 274,000 aircraft movements and a throughput of 43 million terminal passengers, in a 12-month calendar period.

Additional documents

Planning Committee

On 24 January 2020 an Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting will consider whether to approve the issue of the decision notice for UTT/18/0460/FUL - Stansted Airport.

The notice for this meeting provides links to the relevant documents, including to:

 Stansted Airport s106 - schedule of amendments January 2020 [68KB]

 Stansted Airport s106 Agreement - draft 27 March 2019 with amendments 9 January 2020 [369KB]

Additional information and consultation period

On 19 July 2018 we received some additional information relating to the application. As a result, the consultation period was extended to 30 August 2018. The additional documents cover a range of subjects including air quality, noise, surface access and ecology.  

MAG letter re. Epping Forest SSSI (PDF) [561KB]

Consultation Response and Clarifications Part 1 (PDF) [13MB]

Consultation Response and Clarifications Part 2 (PDF) [10MB]

Consultation Response and Clarifications Part 3 (PDF) [7MB]

Consultation Response and Clarifications Part 4 (PDF) [14MB]

Consultation Response and Clarifications Part 5 (PDF) [2MB]

Letter and Tables for Annex 2 (PDF) [71KB]

Revision to Annex 1 - Information for Epping Forest (PDF) [4MB]

Figures for Annex 3B: Noise Technical Note (PDF) [11MB]

Application form and cover letter

Stansted Airport application - application form (PDF) [551KB]

Stansted Airport application - application covering letter (PDF) [212KB]

Planning statement

Stansted Airport application - planning statement (PDF) [2MB]

Environmental statement

Stansted Airport application - environmental statement volume 1 (PDF) [8MB] (includes chapters on access and transport; air noise; ground noise and air quality)

Stansted Airport application  - environmental statement volume 2 (includes scoping request; traffic data; predicted pollutant concentrations; socio-economic study)

Stansted Airport application  - environmental statement volume 2 appendix 7.3 noise contours

Stansted Airport application - environmental statement volume 3 (PDF) [15MB] (includes detailed transport assessments)

Environmental statement non-technical summaries

These documents provide a high-level summary of the detailed information contained in the Environmental statement.

Stansted Airport application - environmental statement volume 4 (PDF) [3MB] (non-technical summary part 1 which includes sections on growth beyond 35MPPA; approach and methodology; surface access and transport; air noise; ground noise)

Stansted Airport application - environmental statement volume 4 (PDF) [3MB] (non-technical summary part 2 which includes sections on ground noise; surface access noise, air quality;  socio-economic effects; public health and wellbeing; water resources and flood risk)

Purchasing copies of the Environmental statement

Members of the public may obtain copies of the Environmental statement from: Planning Department, Stansted Airport, Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Road, Essex, CM24 1QW at the following charges:  Electronic copy (USB) of full Environmental Statement £25.00, Hard Copy of Non-Technical Summary £10, Hard Copy of Environmental Statement £300.00

Design and access statement

Stansted Airport application - design and access statement (PDF) [1MB]

Statement of community involvement

Stansted Airport application - statement of community involvement (PDF) [7MB]

Drawings and plans

Stansted Airport application - location plan (PDF) [5MB]

Stansted Airport application - airfield infrastructure: works site plan (PDF) [1MB]

Stansted Airport application - airfield infrastructure: Mike Romeo RET (PDF) [127KB]

Stansted Airport application - airfield infrastructure: Yankee Remote Stands (PDF) [183KB]

Stansted Airport application - airfield infrastructure: Runway Tango (PDF) [133KB]

Stansted Airport application - airfield infrastructure: Echo Stands (PDF) [162KB]

View the application documents at our offices

You can view printed copies all of the documents that have been submitted as part of the application at the Council Offices in Saffron Walden.


Contact Planning

Tel: 01799 510510


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